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Transformation matrices, Eigen Decomposition and Low Rank Approximation using SVD

Transformation matrices

In this task, we derived the transformation matrix that would transform 2 vectors to 2 other vectors. The transformation matrix is given by: $$ \begin{bmatrix} -0.5 & 1 \ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} $$ The transformation matrix is derived by multiplying the inverse of the matrix formed by the 2 vectors to the matrix formed by the 2 other vectors.

Eigen Decomposition

We generated random invertible matrices and random symmetric invertible matrices and reconstructed them from their eigen decomposition.

Generating and ensuring the invertibility of the matrices

An invertible matrix can be generated

  • by applying random elementery row operations on the identity matrix. The determinant will be non-zero.

And a symmetric matrix can be generated

  • by multiplying a matrix with its transpose. if the original matrix is invertible, the symmetric matrix will also be invertible. $$ Det(A\cdot A^T) = Det(A)\cdot Det(A^T) = Det(A)\cdot Det(A) = (Det(A))^2 $$

Reconstructing the matrices

A matrix can be reconstructed from its eigen decomposition by the following formula: $$ A = X\cdot \lambda \cdot X^{-1} $$

where X is the matrix formed by the eigenvectors of A and $\Lambda$ is the diagonal matrix formed by the eigenvalues of A.

  • To decompose the invertible matrix, the numpyp.linalg.eig function was used.
  • To decompose the symmetric invertible matrix, the numpy.linalg.eigh function was used. Because eigh uses a faster algorithm that takes advantage of the fact that the matrix is symmetric.

Low Rank Approximation using SVD

We reconstructed a greyscale image from its low rank approximation using SVD. The resulting images with varying K values are shown below: Image reconstruction

What I had to learn

  • Finding algorithms that ensure the invertibility of a matrix
  • Finding algorithms that ensure the symmetry of a matrix
  • Making image storage efficient using low rank approximation (k(m+n+1) space instead of mn space)

Useful Links

A very good intro to SVD and PCA