Web-application which plots world sunlight data and joins cities together that share the same amount (also known as an isohel). Updates daily with new data from OpenWeatherMap.
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Original inspiration for this comes from a song called 'isohel' by EDEN.
The idea really resonated with me and I thought it would be cool to build something in homage to this.
Each city then gets a sunlight duration assigned to it via a simple subtraction of sunset - sunrise
, 2 common data points returned from OpenWeatherMap.
Due to the nature of our method of calculation, 'true' isohels are actually close to/almost impossible to find without approximating our results.
e.g. if Madrid has a sunlight duration of 52,756, and if Istanbul has a sunlight duration of 52,856 - they would not share an isohel if we leave them like this.
Sunlight duration is rounded up as a measure to ensure this application isn't too accurate to the point where it is not showing any data at all.