All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- PHP warning, when accessing OPcache status with
- updated dependencies (Mustache.php, Pimple)
- minimum required PHP version 7.2.5 (was de-facto required by dependencies before)
- deprecation notices on PHP 8.1
- reduced maximum Server Timing headers size to 2K (half of possible nginx defaults)
- allowed Composer install on PHP 8
- non-ASCII characters in Server Timing headers
- wrong plugin version in header
to extendServiceProviderInterface
, so that it can be mocked in PHPUnit 9
- Mustache.php version to resolve issues on PHP 7.4
- type crash when URL passed to network request filters is invalid
- large server timing headers breaking proxies
- crash from broken plugin loaded hook input from global
- plotting of early SQL queries (WP 5.1+)
- tracking load of individual plugin load (WP 5.1+)
- unit tests for PHPUnit 8
- error when formatting empty hook.
- Beaver Builder events
- error message on unsupported PHP version
- handling of reoccurring hook events
- tracking of load events when network–activated
- dedicated classes for extension events
- WooCommerce events
- PHP version and OPcache status information
- error message on incomplete install
- headers error from new line in Server Timing
- fatal error when HTTP request is pre–filtered
- call backtraces to SQL records and HTTP calls
- new format of hook events
- sidebar tracking
- list of callbacks to hook events
- Server Timing output for Ajax and REST APIs
- lazy records collector to pass around instead of whole container
- required PHP version to 7.1
- organization and names for Record classes
- old format of hook events
- error when no SQL queries logged by core
- unified processing of events from arbitrary sources
- unit tests
- tracking PHP and WP core load times
- minimum PHP version requirement to >=5.6
- class files names to PSR–4
- main class into concrete instance and Pimple container
- timeline to unified processing with as necessary nesting
- directory structure to PDS skeleton
- baseline timings to float in seconds (from milliseconds)
- color scheme
- Thematic hook events
- handling or not properly started/stopped hook events
- Robo task to update header version and tag in Git
- version in header
- sanity check for invalid priority returned by core
- back to fully functional on WP 4.7 beta
- errors and crash on WP 4.7 beta (not fully functional yet)
- added screen reader text to events
- colorized writing SQL queries to warning color
- updated change log format to Keep a Changelog
- updated dependencies (Stopwatch 2.8.11, Mustache 2.11.1, Bootstrap 3.3.7)
- updated assets
- removed release Robo task
- fixed dynamic method call crash on PHP 7
- fixed issue with slashes in generated release archives
- fixed crash on event stop without matching start
- implemented minified assets
- implemented pre-cached template
- implemented release build command
- added WP SEO event
- split plugins_loaded hook into separate event
- fixed crash with upcoming Hybrid Core v3
- disabled tooltip animation to fix JS errors and UI disappearing from under cursor
- implemented (ballpark) toolbar event
- merged RP with additional core events in admin
- fixed issue with event offsets in timelines
- added SQL timeline
- added HTTP timeline
- switched tooltips implementation to Bootstrap script
- Initial public release