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RamWorks Development Group, abbreviated to RWDG or RamWorks, is a US-based nonprofit company designed to spread the word, prevent and combat internet censorship. It is best known for the site known as Ram Networks, but is responsible for many other websites. We provide links to games, proxies, movies, and more, and we are expanding that list almost weekly.
RamWorks was founded as the RPS Proxy Guide on May 9, 2023. Soon after, the name was changed to NRMS Network, then renamed to the now-used Ram Networks. The name RamWorks came months after the introduction of the name Ram Networks, created as a sort of parent company to the countless docs and sites the company had ammassed.
Thousands of users have visited the site with positive feedback, and RamWorks has grown from simple beginnings to a massive site widely known across the world. Users from many countries such as the US, Germany, the United Kingdom, Russia, Ukraine-- they've all came together to create what we take for granted today.
We, at RamWorks, believe that all users are equal and should not be discriminated based off of the following (but not limited to): race, skin color, sex, sexual preferences, sexuality, gender identity, religion, or any other unique beliefs.