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資訊界連署挺同婚 目前參與人數

Technologists that support marriage equality


我們是一群支持修正民法 972 的資訊人。身為資訊人,我們相信理性且有效的溝通將能促進人類發展的方向。人類的溝通方式經過了口耳相傳、書信、電話,發展到現在的網際網路。人類交流資訊的速度未曾像如今如此之快捷,取得資訊的方式未曾如此簡單,我們也相信,藉由您手上的不斷革新的 iPhone 或精益求精的 Android、桌機中經典的 Intel、每天必看的 Facebook、解答您人生疑難的 Google,您可以獲得更多的知識。我們,與締造這些工具背後的 LGBT+ 朋友們,都希望您可以多了解關於同婚的正確資訊,可以支持在這個星球上每個人都有平等成家的權利。

我們相信,LGBT+ 族群與異性戀並無不同,基於憲法保障之平等權,應與異性戀者享有相同婚姻保障與民法地位。


-- Tim Berners-Lee 提姆·柏納-李 網際網路發明人

We are a group of technologists that support a change to Civil Law 972. As technologists, we believe in rational dialogue as a way of promoting human advancement. Over time, the methods that people use to communicate have changed from word-of-mouth, letters, to the internet. Whether it's the iPhone or Android phone in your pocket to the Intel processor in your computer, Facebook or Google, the speed and convenience of communications continues to increase, allowing for an abundant spread of information. We, alongside LGBT+ creators of these tools, hope you will use them to understand more information regarding marriage equality and support the universal human rights of every single person on this planet.

We believe LGBT+ folk deserve equal protection and status under the same civil law that protects straight folks.

I think, in general, it's clear that most bad things come from misunderstanding, and communication is generally the way to resolve misunderstandings -- and the Web's a form of communications -- so it generally should be good.

-- Tim Berners-Lee 提姆·柏納-李 網際網路發明人


How do I sign?


請在 signatures 資料夾裡面新增新的檔案,檔案命名原則為 signed_by_${USERNAME}.md,您可以在裡面寫入各種支持同婚的文字,或使用根目錄 也是可以的。(所以要請 fork, git clone, git commit, git push 然後再發 Pull Request)

若您懶得下這些命令,fork 與 clone 以後,直接執行:

./ -t

並輸入您認為適合的 commit message 即可。

歡迎大家用非常踴躍的 pull request 展現你對同婚的支持!

Please create a markdown file in the signatures folder following the naming scheme: signed_by_${USERNAME}.md. You can write whatever you want in support of marriage equality there. Please then make a pull request to this repository.

If you're too lazy to even do that, after forking and cloning the repository locally, run:

./ -t

Put in an appopriate commit message.

Everyone is welcome to use their PRs to support marriage equality!

我在用手機,沒 CLI 可以用!

I'm on mobile! I don't have a CLI to use!

若您手邊沒有 CLI 可以用,可以直接用 GitHub 的網頁版編輯界面送 PR

  1. 點擊這裡📝,換掉檔名裡的 ${USERNAME},GitHub 會自動 fork 並且送 commit 到你自己的 fork。
  2. Commit 之後,會有個按鈕讓你 Create Pull Request。

You can use Github to create a PR. Follow GitHub 的網頁版編輯界面送 PR

  1. Click here📝,change ${USERNAME} to your username. Github will automatically fork and commit from your own fork.
  2. After committing, you can create a pull request back to this repository.


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