A GitHub Action for uploading a Meta Quest app to the Meta Quest store.
- Get Credentials
- Set repo secrets
# setup ovr platform util
- uses: RageAgainstThePixel/setup-ovr-platform-util@v1
# upload meta quest build
- uses: RageAgainstThePixel/upload-meta-quest-build@v2
id: upload
appId: ${{ secrets.META_APP_ID }}
appSecret: ${{ secrets.META_APP_SECRET }}
buildDir: 'path/to/build/folder'
# use uploaded meta quest build id
- run: 'echo ${{ steps.upload.build_id }}'
Name | Description | Required | Default |
ageGroup |
Age group of the build. This can be TEENS_AND_ADULTS , MIXED_AGES , or CHILDREN . (If not specified, the upload will go into “draft” status, rather than failing). For more information, see Age Group Self-Certification and Youth Requirements. |
true | |
appId |
Specifies the ID of your app. Obtained from the API tab of your app in the Oculus Dashboard. | true | |
appSecret |
Specifies the app secret. Obtained from the API tab of your app in the Oculus developer dashboard. | Must provide appSecret or token |
token |
A user token obtained by the get-access-token command or from the API tab of your app in the Oculus developer dashboard. | Must provide appSecret or token |
apkPath |
Specifies the path to the APK to upload. | true | |
obbPath |
Specifies the path to the Expansion file (OBB) to upload. | false | |
buildDir |
Specifies the path to the directory that contains the build files. If specified, the plugin will look for the APK and OBB files in this directory. | false | |
assetsDir |
Specifies the path to the directory with DLCs for this build. | false | |
assetFilesConfig |
Specifies the path to the file that configures required assets or associates DLC assets with in-app purchases. | false | |
inheritAssetFiles |
Specifies whether to inherit asset files from the previous build. | false | |
releaseChannel |
Specifies the release channel for uploading the build. Release channel names are not case-sensitive. | false | ALPHA |
releaseNotes |
Specifies the release note text shown to users. Encodes double quotes as \" . Encode newlines as \n . |
false | |
languagePacksDir |
The path to the directory that contains language packs. | false | |
debugSymbolsDir |
Path to the folder that contains the debug symbol file(s). | false | |
debugSymbolsZip |
The path to the debug symbol zip file. If provided this will be used instead of the debugSymbolsDir and will unzip before uploading. |
false | |
debugSymbolsPattern |
A pattern sequence that can match the filenames of all the debug symbol files. An asterisk may be used to indicate a wildcard, for example, *.sym.so . |
false | |
excludeAddons |
Whether to exclude attaching global shared Add-ons to this build. | false | |
draft |
Specifies whether to upload the build as a draft. | false | |
force |
Forces the upload, even if there are validation errors. | false |
: The uploaded build id.