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A GitHub Action for uploading a Meta Quest app to the Meta Quest store.


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A GitHub Action for uploading a Meta Quest app to the Meta Quest store.

How to use


    # setup ovr platform util
  - uses: RageAgainstThePixel/setup-ovr-platform-util@v1
    # upload meta quest build
  - uses: RageAgainstThePixel/upload-meta-quest-build@v2
    id: upload
      appId: ${{ secrets.META_APP_ID }}
      appSecret: ${{ secrets.META_APP_SECRET }}
      buildDir: 'path/to/build/folder'
    # use uploaded meta quest build id
  - run: 'echo ${{ steps.upload.build_id }}'


Oculus Platform Utility docs

Name Description Required Default
ageGroup Age group of the build. This can be TEENS_AND_ADULTS, MIXED_AGES, or CHILDREN. (If not specified, the upload will go into “draft” status, rather than failing). For more information, see Age Group Self-Certification and Youth Requirements. true
appId Specifies the ID of your app. Obtained from the API tab of your app in the Oculus Dashboard. true
appSecret Specifies the app secret. Obtained from the API tab of your app in the Oculus developer dashboard. Must provide appSecret or token
token A user token obtained by the get-access-token command or from the API tab of your app in the Oculus developer dashboard. Must provide appSecret or token
apkPath Specifies the path to the APK to upload. true
obbPath Specifies the path to the Expansion file (OBB) to upload. false
buildDir Specifies the path to the directory that contains the build files. If specified, the plugin will look for the APK and OBB files in this directory. false
assetsDir Specifies the path to the directory with DLCs for this build. false
assetFilesConfig Specifies the path to the file that configures required assets or associates DLC assets with in-app purchases. false
inheritAssetFiles Specifies whether to inherit asset files from the previous build. false
releaseChannel Specifies the release channel for uploading the build. Release channel names are not case-sensitive. false ALPHA
releaseNotes Specifies the release note text shown to users. Encodes double quotes as \". Encode newlines as \n. false
languagePacksDir The path to the directory that contains language packs. false
debugSymbolsDir Path to the folder that contains the debug symbol file(s). false
debugSymbolsZip The path to the debug symbol zip file. If provided this will be used instead of the debugSymbolsDir and will unzip before uploading. false
debugSymbolsPattern A pattern sequence that can match the filenames of all the debug symbol files. An asterisk may be used to indicate a wildcard, for example, * false
excludeAddons Whether to exclude attaching global shared Add-ons to this build. false
draft Specifies whether to upload the build as a draft. false
force Forces the upload, even if there are validation errors. false


  • build_id: The uploaded build id.

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