A .NET library for writing Maltego Transforms
using System;
using MaltegoTransformNet.Core;
using MaltegoTransformNet.Core.Enums;
namespace MaltegoTransformNet.Cmd
class MainClass
public static void Main (string[] args)
//Parse the maltego arguments
//Write your code to get data
//Create the maltego response generator
var maltego = new MaltegoResponseGenerator();
//Add entities from the helper functions
maltego.AddPersonEntity("John Doe", "John", "Doe", "Store Manager", "US", "Here are some notes");
//Or you can make an entity from scratch and add it
var entity = new Entity();
entity.Type = EntityEnum.Phrase.ToString ();
entity.Value = "John Doe";
entity.AdditionalFields.Add (new Field {
DisplayName = "#firstname",
Name = "FirstName",
Value = "John"
//Write the xml to the console
Console.WriteLine (maltego.GetMaltegoMessageText());