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Classic ASP class that contains a collection of number utilites.


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Number utilities in Calssic ASP

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number_utilities.class.asp's avaible functions

  • Function to split a number as a string -> Public Function split_number(number, splitting_position)
  • Function to check if a number is an integer -> Public Function is_integer(number)
  • Function to count number's digits -> Public Function count_number_digits(number)
  • Function to free round a number -> Public Function free_round(number, deciaml_to_round, number_from_starting_round)
    • Where the decimal_to_round is the decimal position for the number to round.
    • Where the number_from_starting_round is the round param -> For example, add 1 if the number afther the number to round is >= 5.

How to use

From Test.asp

  1. Initialize the class

      <!--#include file="number_utilities.class.asp"-->
         Dim utilities
         Set utilities = new number_utilities
  2. Use the class

      Response.write("<h3> Test Split Number </h3><br>")
      Response.write("Number: 345 <br>")
      Response.write("Splitting Position: 2 <br>")
      Dim temp 
      temp = utilities.split_number(345, 2)
      Response.write("First element: " & temp(0) & "<br>")
      Response.write("Second element: " & temp(1) & "<br>")
      Response.write("Number: 12.345 <br>")
      Response.write("Splitting Position: 3 <br>")
      temp = utilities.split_number(12.345, 2)
      Response.write("First element: " & temp(0) & "<br>")
      Response.write("Second element: " & temp(1) & "<br>")
      Response.write("Number: 123.0345 <br>")
      Response.write("Splitting Position: 3 <br>")
      temp = utilities.split_number(123.0345, 2)
      Response.write("First element: " & temp(0) & "<br>")
      Response.write("Second element: " & temp(1) & "<br>")