Extract uPlexa daemon (uplexad), uPlexa CMD Wallet (uplexa-wallet-cli) and uPlexa RPC (uplexa-wallet-rpc) to ./lib/ https://github.com/uPlexa/uplexa
Create a wallet called "discord" with ./uplexa-wallet-cli
Edit wallet_pass to specify wallet password (if set)
Edit configs in config.json. Ensure to input your Discord bot's token, your guild ID, and your admin ID if you're using admin-only mode for testing
pm2 start ./lib/uplexad
pm2 start ./lib/uplexa-wallet-rpc -- --rpc-bind-port 21065 --password-file wallet_pass --wallet-file discord --disable-rpc-login --trusted-daemon
To run the bot:
pm2 start dynamic.js``
(dynamic.js simply runs wallet mostly wallet related things and stuff)
# License