Last 60 days progress of QuantaEx
- Core platform design change
- Add/Create DSR app module
- Total outlook design change
- Wallet page Total value integration
- Integration with analytic
- Deploy policing bot inside platform to prevent misc withdrawal
- Integrate XRP
- Server capacity increase 3 time more
- User capacity (DB) increase 5x
- Twitter community raise from 3300-29000
- Alexa ranking increase 45%
- Twitter reach increase 240% +
- Add top 10 asset
- Creates 8 trading modules
- Ready to integrate USD (fiat)
- Integrate Coin listing inside
- Integrate IEO listing inside (few task left)
- Upgrade to latest ReactJS based TypeScript code
- Remove all bugs
- Coin/Asset Info page
(C) 2018-2020 NEXBIT.IO Ltd.