Tools, scripts and instructions for converting Jupyter notebooks to RST files
To load on Manjaro Dell:
Must have pandoc >= 2.6
To get it:
yay pandoc -bin
on ubuntu via package manager or via debian
Check version via
pandoc --version [in a terminal]
If you see a lower numbered version of pandoc...
conda deactivate
(in a terminal) -
Note: As of March 2019, the default version of pandoc in Anaconda is 1.19
To get things to work in a terminal (in the directory where the *.ipynb
This step is necessary only if you want to strip out the bad
$ \alpha $
stuffIn a bash terminal issue command
python [myinputfile.ipynb] -o [myoutputfile.ipynb]
Issue this command in a bash terminal
pandoc [myfilenamenew.pynb] -f ipynb+tex_math_dollars -t rst -s -o [newfilename.rst]
For example (this worked on Feb 22, 2019 in Singapore)
pandoc test23.ipynb -f ipynb+tex_math_dollars -t rst -s -o test23.rst