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The FAQs Of Running Atlas

flike edited this page Nov 18, 2014 · 3 revisions

Q1:I installed and launched Atlas successfully. But I can't login in Atlas using the username and password.For example, execute the command: MySQL - h127.0.0.1 - ubuck - phello - P1234; suggesting the following error: ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on''(111).How should I do ?

A:Maybe the problem is that the user privilege not be appropriate authorized. The username and its password in the master database server and the slave database server should be the same. Firstly you should assure that you can use the username and its password login the database in the computer that installe Atlas successfully. For example: using the command 'mysql -h192.168.0.12 -ubuck -pbuck -P3306'can login the master and the slave successfully.


Follow the three steps below, which can successfully login Atlas successfully.

step 1, create user buck in the master database server.

a) grant all on . to 'buck'@'' identified by 'hello' ;

b) flush privileges;

step 2, create user buck in the slave database server.

a) grant all on . to 'buck'@'' identified by 'hello' ;

b) flush privileges;

step 3, login Atlas.

mysql –h –ubuck –phello –P1234

Q2:I installed and launched Atlas successfully. But I can't login in Atlas using the username and password.For example, execute the command: MySQL - h127.0.0.1 - ubuck - phello - P1234; suggesting the following error:MySql Host is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'.How should I do ?

A: login the master and the slave, execute the commands below:

set global max_connect_errors=100000;

flush hosts;

Q3:I installed and launched Atlas successfully. But I can't login in Atlas using the username and password.For example, execute the command: MySQL - h127.0.0.1 - ubuck - phello - P1234; suggesting the following error:ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'buck'@'' (using password: YES)'.How should I do ?

A: You should check the config file(test.cnf) whether contain the config option:pwds. If the config don't contain this config option,you should set it.