Neovim config using Nixvim. Compared to my previous lua config this is a lot more simple with some seldom used features and overcomplicated configs missing (and it has grown to be a bit different over time).
This is my personal config tailored to my specific needs, but can be used as reference or as inspiration for your own config.
To try out this config just run:
nix run github:pyxels/nixvim-config
Add this repo to you your inputs:
inputs = {
nixvim-config.url = "github:pyxels/nixvim-config";
You can access the nvim + config package itself and add them to your packages.
# home-manager
home.packages = [
# nixos
environment.systemPackages = [
This flake also exposes a simple Home-Manager and NixOS module to enable the config and set shell aliases.
Enable the the desired module by importing it:
imports = [
imports = [
Enable the config and optionally set aliases:
nixvim-config = {
enable = true;
aliases = ["v" "vim"]; # optional