A Brigham Young University Macroeconomics and Computational Laboratory project in conjunction with the Open Source Policy Center.
This repository includes the data used to calibrate the model along with all the necessary Python code to solve and simulate.
This project builds, calibrates and simulates the effects of changes in various taxes on the U.S. economy in the context of a dynamic general equilibrium model. Our particular emphasis is on how the stream of tax revenues changes over time.
The model is currently under development. Users should be forewarned that the model components could change significantly. Therefore, there is NO GUARANTEE OF ACCURACY. THE CODE SHOULD NOT CURRENTLY BE USED FOR PUBLICATIONS, JOURNAL ARTICLES, OR RESEARCH PURPOSES. Essentially, you should assume the calculations are unreliable until we finish the code re-architecture and have checked the results against other existing implementations of the tax code. The package will have released versions, which will be checked against existing code prior to release. Stay tuned for an upcoming release!
- Jason DeBacker
- Richard W. Evans
- Evan Magnusson
- Kerk Phillips
- Isaac Swift
OG-USA (Version 0.5.6)[Source code], https://github.com/open-source-economics/OG-USA
The Open-Source Policy Center (OSPC) seeks to make policy analysis more transparent, trustworthy, and collaborative by harnessing open-source methods to build cutting-edge economic models.