This repository contains sample code demonstrating different features and functions of the LIDAR-Lite Sensor. As we test with more different micro controllers we will continue to add to this repo.
If you've made any code for specific systems, environments, or micro controllers, please fork and propose!
Each micro controller has its own folder and the within that folder contains documentation for the code within that folder.
- LIDARLite_Wire_Library_GetDistance_ContinuousRead: Demonstrates taking a distance reading using the default Arduino Wire Library (works but is not the ideal configuration)
- LIDARLite_I2C_Library_GetDistance_ContinuousRead: Demonstrates taking a distance reading using the 'Arduino I2C Master Library' from DSS Circuits (a more sophisticated I2C library than the default Wire library)
- LIDARLite_PWM_GetDistance_ContinuousRead: Demonstrates taking a distance reading using Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM), does not require/use I2C
Example using the Wire library and based on the Servo library example "Sweep" example and the Pulsed Light 3D examples.
This examples uses the Wire library.
- lidarLite - RaspberryPi (or ODROID C1) interface to lidarLite using the Wiring library. See