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A CommandHelper extension using the JDA Discord library


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This is an extension for the CommandHelper plugin that uses the JDA library to talk to your Discord server.


CHDiscord 2.14.0

The latest version requires CommandHelper 3.3.4 build #3978 or later.

The CHDiscord branch named 3.3.2 is back-ported for CommandHelper 3.3.2.


You'll first need to create a Discord application here. Then add a Bot to it. Copy the TOKEN for the Bot, as you'll use this later in your connection script. Be sure to enable SERVER MEMBERS INTENT and MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT of the Privileged Gateway Intents.

Next you'll need to add the bot to your Discord guild server. Go to the URL Generator under OAuth2. Select the scope 'bot', and optionally check any permissions you want the bot to start with. (see functions below) Go to the generated URL in your browser to authorize the bot for your guild server.

Finally, to connect this extension to Discord you'll need your Discord guild server id, which you can get by right-clicking your server name in Discord and clicking "Copy ID". (only visible when Developer Mode is enabled in Advanced User Settings) Use this together with the TOKEN above to run discord_connect() in your connection script.

Bot Functions

discord_connect(token, serverId, [callback] | profile, [callback])

Connects to Discord server via token and default guild server id. The optional callback closure will be executed when a connection is made. The profile may be a string, which should refer to a profile defined in profiles.xml, with the keys token and serverId, or an array, with the same keys.

The profile should be defined such as

<profile id="discordCredentials">

You have to run discord_connect() before you can use the other functionality of this extension, otherwise a NotFoundException will be thrown. You cannot use other functions until the callback closure is executed.


Disconnects from the Discord server.

discord_set_activity(type, string, [url])

Sets the activity tag for the bot.
Activity string can be anything but an empty string.
If streaming, a valid Twitch URL must also be provided.
If not, or it's invalid, type will revert to PLAYING.

discord_private_message(user, message)

Sends a private message to the specified Discord user.
See discord_broadcast() documentation for message format.
Will fail if the user is not a cached member on one of the connected servers.
Messages have a 2000-character limit.

discord_set_allowed_mentions(array, [replied_user])

Sets mentions that are allowed by default in sent messages.
Array can include 'USER', 'ROLE', and 'EVERYONE' for parsed mentions.
If null, it resets the default to all types.
The replied_user argument is a boolean for whether users in referenced messages are mentioned. (default: true)


Gets an array of ids for all the guild servers that the bot is added to.

discord_request(method, route, [dataObject], [onSuccess], [onFailure])

Sends a custom HTTP request to Discord.
This is for advanced users that need to use Discord API that is not yet added to this extension.
You must refer to the Discord documentation for routes, methods, parameters, and permissions.
The method argument can be one of GET, PATCH, DELETE, PUT or POST.
The route must not start with a forward slash.
The dataObject argument is the JSON parameters, and can be an array, string or null.
If the request was successful, the onSuccess closure will be executed and passed an array of response data.
If the request failed, the onFailure closure will instead be executed and passed a failure message.
If not provided, the default handler will instead log any failures.

Example GET:

discord_request('GET', 'guilds/'.@guildId.'/members?limit=20', null, closure(@result) {
	foreach(@member in @result) {
}, closure(@failure) {
	msg('Request failed: '.@failure);

Example POST:

discord_request('POST', 'channels/'.@channelId.'/messages', array(content: @message));

Guild Server Functions

  • The server argument is the guild server's unique int id. It is always optional and will fall back to event bind context or the default server.


Gets an array of all cached members in this guild server.
Array contains a list of user int ids.
Members may not be cached immediately upon bot connection.

discord_get_members_with_role([server], role)

Like discord_get_members(), but returns only members with a given role.

discord_retrieve_invites([server], closure)

Retrieves an array of invite arrays for this guild server.
Passes the array to the callback closure.
Each invite array contains data about the invite, which has the keys 'code', 'channelid', inviter 'userid', 'uses' and 'max_uses'.
Requires the Manage Server permission.

Channel Functions

  • The channel argument can be a channel's unique int id. A channel's exact name can also be used, but if it's not unique, the first matching channel will be used. If a channel is omitted, it will attempt to use the channel from the event bind context. If not in an event bind, it will use the default channel.

discord_broadcast([server], [channel], message, [callback])

Broadcasts text and embeds to the specified channel.
If channel is omitted, the channel from an event or first publicly viewable channel will be used.
Message can be a string or a message array object.
Callback closure is eventually executed with the message id for this message. (cannot be null)
Message array must contain at least one of the following keys: 'content', 'embed', or 'embeds'.
It can also contain 'reference_id' (int) for replies, and 'allowed_mentions' (array with optional 'parse', 'users', 'roles', and 'replied_user' keys) to override default behavior set by discord_set_allowed_mentions().
Embed array can include any of the following keys: 'title', 'url', 'description', 'timestamp' (int), 'image' (URL), 'thumbnail' (URL), 'color' (rgb array), 'footer' (array with 'text' and optionally 'icon_url' keys), 'author' (array with 'name' and optionally 'url' and/or 'icon_url' keys), and 'fields' (an array of field arrays, each with 'name', 'value', and optionally an 'inline' boolean).
Messages have a 2000-character limit.
Requires the View Channels and Send Messages permissions. (or Send Messages in Threads for thread channels)
Also requires Read Message History permission for channel replies using 'reference_id'.

Example message/embed object array format: (embeds are as displayed, top to bottom, left to right)

  content: "This displays above the embed as normal text.",
  embeds: array(
      color: array(
        r: 255,
        g: 255,
        b: 255,
      author: array(
        icon_url: "",
        name: "PseudoKnight",
        url: "",
      thumbnail: "",
      title: "Large Bold Text",
      url: "",
      description: "Normal sized text just under title.",
      fields: array(
          name: "Field A",
          value: "Value A Below Name",
          inline: true,
      image: "",
      footer: array(
          icon_url: "",
          text: "Small text at the bottom.",
      timestamp: 1698213238389,
  allowed_mentions: array(
    parse: array(),
    users: array("PseudoKnight"),
    roles: array("moderator"),
    replied_user: true,
  reference_id: 1167309410398388254,

discord_delete_message([server], channel, id)

Deletes a message with the given id on a channel.
Requires the View Channels permission. (and Manage Messages if message is from other user)

discord_set_channel_topic([server], channel, string)

Sets a topic for a text or news channel.
Standard channels have a 1024-character limit for topics.
Only Text and News channels support topics, otherwise an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
Requires the Manage Channels permission.

discord_channel_members([server], channel)

Returns an array of ids for members in a channel.
For voice channels, this returns all members that are currently connected to the channel.
Otherwise, for text channels this returns all members with the View Channels permission.

Member Functions

  • The member argument is a user's unique int id (or username). Throws NotFoundException if a member by that id doesn't exist.

discord_member_info([server], member)

Gets an array of data for Discord user.
Array contains 'userid', 'username', 'displayname', and 'bot' (boolean).
For this guild server it also contains:
'nickname' (empty if not set), 'color' array (null if none), 'joined_at' timestamp, and 'avatar' effective url.

discord_member_get_roles([server], member)

Gets an associative array of all guild server roles for a member.
The key is the role name, and the value is the role int id.

discord_member_set_roles([server], member, role(s), [reason])

Sets the roles for a guild server member.
The role argument can be an array or a single role.
A role is either a unique int id or name.
Optional reason string is supported.
Throws NotFoundException if a role by that id doesn't exist.
Requires the Manage Roles permission and a role higher than any set roles.

discord_member_get_nickname([server], member)

Get the server nickname for a guild server member. (empty if not set)

discord_member_set_nickname([server], member, string)

Set the server nickname for a guild server member.
Requires the Manage Nicknames permission and a role higher than the target member.

Voice Functions

discord_member_get_voice_channel([server], member)

Get the ID of member's current voice channel.
If the member is not connected to a voice channel, null is returned.

discord_member_move_voice_channel([server], member, channel)

Moves a member to another voice channel.
The member must already be connected to a voice channel in the guild server.
Channel can be null to disconnect user.
Throws IllegalArgumentException if member is not connected to a voice channel.
Throws InsufficientPermissionException if the member and bot do not have access to the destination channel.
Requires the Move Members permission.

discord_member_is_muted([server], member)

Check if a user is muted, either self muted or server muted.

discord_member_set_muted([server], member, boolean)

Set a user's guild server's muted state.
Throws IllegalArgumentException if member is not connected to a voice channel.
Requires the Mute Members permission.



This event is called when a user sends a message in a guild server.
Prefilters: username, channel (name)
Data: userid, username, nickname, bot (boolean), serverid, channel (name), channelid, channeltype, message, id (of message), attachments {{url, filename, description}}, reference {{id, userid, username, message}}


This event is called when a user edits a message in a Discord server. Prefilters: channel (name)
Data: userid, username, nickname, bot (boolean), serverid, channel (name), channelid, channeltype, message, id (of message), attachments {{url, filename, description}}, reference {{id, userid, username, message}}


This event is called when a user sends a private message to the bot.
Data: userid, username, displayname, message, id (of message), attachments {{url, filename, description}}, reference {{id, userid, username, message}}


This event is called when a user adds a reaction to a message.
Prefilters: channel (name)
Data: userid, username, nickname, bot (boolean), serverid, channel (name), channelid, messageid, messageuserid, emoji (unicode character or custom emoji code)


This event is called when a user removes a reaction on a message.
Prefilters: channel (name)
Data: userid, username, nickname, bot (boolean), serverid, channel (name), channelid, messageid, emoji (unicode character or custom emoji code)


This event is called when a user joined a voice channel.
Data: userid, username, nickname, serverid, channel (name), channelid


This event is called when a user left a voice channel.
Data: userid, username, nickname, serverid, channel (name), channelid


This event is called when a user moves between voice channels. Data: userid, username, nickname, serverid, joined, joinedid, left, leftid.


This event is called when a user joined the guild server.
Data: userid, username, nickname. serverid


This event is called when a user left the guild server, including kick/ban.
Data: userid, username, nickname. serverid


A CommandHelper extension using the JDA Discord library







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