diff --git a/genswf.ml b/genswf.ml index 521c49f125f..efbd28e9c3c 100644 --- a/genswf.ml +++ b/genswf.ml @@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ let build_swf9 com file swc = | (Meta.Font,(EConst (String file),p) :: args,_) :: l -> let file = try Common.find_file com file with Not_found -> file in let ch = try open_in_bin file with _ -> error "File not found" p in - let ttf = TTFParser.parse ch in + let ttf = try TTFParser.parse ch with e -> error ("Error while parsing font " ^ file ^ " : " ^ Printexc.to_string e) p in close_in ch; let range_str = match args with | [EConst (String str),_] -> str