- x_points: 6 (nodes defining X-points)
- core_cut: 7 (y-aligned faces inside the separatrix connecting to the active x-point)
- This tells us where the cut defined by b2fgmtry was
- If extrapolated, this curve would pass through the magnetic axis
- PFR_cut: 8 (y-aligned faces inside the private flux region connecting to the active x-point)
- Another b2fgmtry cut
- This is the boundary between inner and outer divertors
- outer_throat: 9 (y-aligned faces in the outer SOL connecting to the active X-point)
- This is the boundary between SOL and outer divertor
- inner_throat: 10
- outer_midplane: 11 (y-aligned faces connecting to the node closest to the outer midplane on the separatrix)
- inner_midplane: 12
- outer_target: 13 (y-aligned faces defining the outer target)
- inner_target: 14
- core_boundary: 15 (innermost x-aligned faces)
- the inner edge of the mesh; boundary between computation region and blank spot in the core
- separatrix: 16 (x-aligned faces defining the active separatrix)
- outer_mid_plane_separatrix: 101 (point on active separatrix at outer midplane)
- Intersection of 11 with 16
- inner_mid_plane_separatrix: 102
- Intersection of 12 with 16
- outer_target_separatrix: 103 (point on active separatrix at outer [divertor] target)
- Intersection of 13 with 16
- inner_target_separatrix: 104
- Intersection of 14 with 16
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