This guide in other languages:
An application that simulates seat distribution in elections. Current features include:
- All the Norwegian Parliamentary Elections since 1945
- Sainte-Laguë (modified), d'Hondt and largest fraction (Hare, Droop, Hagenbach-Bischoff) distribution methods
- Detailed tables describing the simulation results
- Parameters for adjusting how the seats are distributed
- Merging of counties to simulate the effect of the new Norwegian regions of 2020
- See how the county data for 2021 would have changed the results of previous elections
- Save the results from a distribution and compare them to the results with adjusted parameters
Read more about Lavinia and the Norwegian election system in our wiki.
Install the latest:
- Clone the repository to your preferred folder
- Open your favourite terminal and navigate to aforementioned folder
- Type
Enter and wait patiently for the packages to be installed - Type
yarn start
After step 4. your default browser should have opened up, running a development server locally on your machine. In most terminals, hit Ctrl+c with your terminal focused to close the application.