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Deploying Profisee Platform on AKS using the ARM template


Please DO review the guide and links below before you run the Azure ARM template. We have a pre-requisites script that runs before the deployment to check on the permissions needed.

Click here for a detailed deployment guide for the latest Profisee version and here for video training course and slide deck.

Here's what you will need. You will need a license tied to the DNS URL that will be used by the environment (ex. OR This license can be acquired from Profisee Support.

Here's what will be deployed, or used if available, by the ARM template:

  1. An AKS Cluster with a publicly accessible Management API.
  2. Two Public IPs for Ingress and Egress.
  3. A Load Balancer needed for Nginx.
  4. A SQL Server, or we'll use one that you already have. You can either pre-create the database or let the Managed Identity create one for you.
  5. A Storage account, or use one that you already have. If you precreate the storage account, please make sure to precreate the files share that you'd like to use.
  6. A DNS entry into a zone, assuming the necessary permissions are there. If you use external DNS, you'd have to update/create the record to match the Egress IP.
  7. A free Let's Encrypt certificate, if you choose that option. Please be aware that if you plan on using your own domain with Let's Encrypt you'll need to make sure that if there is a CAA record set on your domain it allows Let's Encrypt as the Issuing Authority.
  8. Profisee downloads a powershell script to the container's c:\fileshare (this is the Azure Storage account share) and it is used during the preStop step to collect container, IIS, product and event logs prior to container restart. The script will also auto-delete any log archives (in the name format) older than 30 days. These logs can help Profisee Support in their troubleshooting effots. If you do not want to use this script, please feel free to amend the stateful set and either edit or remove it from there.

Here's how it will be deployed. You must have a Managed Identity created to run the deployment. This Managed Identity must have the following permissions ONLY when running a deployment. After it is done, the Managed Identity can be deleted. Based on your ARM template choices, you will need some or all of the following permissions assigned to your Managed Identity:

  1. Contributor role to the Subscription where AKS will be deployed. Note: The permissions to create a Federated Identity Credential and to register ContainerService provider are presently not included in any MS specific RBAC role. This necessitates a change to where the Deployment Managed Identity must be granted Contributor to the subscription where Profisee is deployed.
  2. DNS Zone Contributor role to the particular DNS zone where the entry will be created OR Contributor role to the DNS Zone Resource Group.This is needed only if updating DNS hosted in Azure. To follow best practice for least access, the DNS Zone Contributor on the zone itself is the recommended option.
  3. Application Administrator role in Azure Active Directory, so the Application registration can be created by the Deployment Managed Identity and the required permissions can be assigned to it.
  4. Managed Identity Contributor and User Access Administrator at the Subscription level. These two are needed in order for the ARM template Deployment Managed Identity to be able to create the Key Vault specific Managed Identity that will be used by Profisee to pull the values stored in the Key Vault, as well as to assign the AKSCluster-agentpool the Managed Identity Operator role (to the Resource and Infrastructure Resource groups) and Virtual Machine Operator role (to the Infrastructure Resource group). If Key Vault will not be used, these roles are not required.
  5. Key Vault requirements. If you are using a Key Vault, please make sure that your Access Policy page has a checkmark on "Azure Resource Manager for template deployment". Otherwise, MS will not be able to validate the ARM template's access against your Key Vault and will result in validation failure in the ARM template before it begins deployment.
  6. Purview Integration requirements. If Profisee will be configured to integrate with Microsoft Purview, a Purview specific Application Registration will need to be created and have the Collections Admin and Data Curator Role assigned in the Purview account at either collection or account level. It will also have to be assigned the User.Read delegated permission as well as the User.Read.All, Group.Read.All and GroupMember.Read.All application permissions (these 3 required Global Admin consent). During the ARM template deployment you will now have to provide the Purview collection friendly name, as seen in the Purview web portal, regardless if this is a sub-collection or the root collection of Purview.

Upgrade instructions

For customers upgrading from v2022R1 and earlier. There are two changes that require careful consideration:

  1. Purview Collections integration necessitated changes in the ARM template, container and deployment templates. Please DO review the upgrade instructions posted below before you start the upgrade process.
  2. History tables improvements - you will need to run this immediately after the upgrade to 2022R2, one time only.

Please read through the upgrade instructions both here and in our Support portal and prepare for the upgrade process. The instructions below are combined for both Purview Collections and the History table improvements.

For customers who do NOT use Purview.

  1. Connect to your cluster from the Azure portal or powershell. For customers running Private PaaS please connect to your jumpbox first, then connect via powershell or Lens.
  2. Run the following commands (if you do not have the repo added that would be the first step):
    helm -n profisee repo add profisee
    helm repo update
    helm upgrade -n profisee profiseeplatform profisee/profisee-platform --reuse-values --set image.tag=2022r2.0
    kubectl logs -n profisee profisee-0 -f #this will allow you to follow the upgrade as it is happening
  3. This will upgrade your installation to version 2022r2.0 while keeping the rest of the values.
  4. To run the Histroy tables upgrade please follow the steps as outlined here

For customers who DO use Purview.

  1. Connect to your cluster from the Azure portal or powershell. For customers running Private PaaS please connect to your jumpbox first, then connect via powershell or Lens.
  2. Locate your Purview collection Id by visiting your MS Purview Governance Portal. Go to the collection where you would like Profisee to deploy to. Your URL will look like so:
  3. Run the following commands (if you do not have the repo added that would be the first step):
    helm -n profisee repo add profisee
    helm repo update
    helm upgrade -n profisee profiseeplatform profisee/profisee-platform --reuse-values --set --set image.tag=2022r2.0
    kubectl logs -n profisee profisee-0 -f #this will allow you to follow the upgrade as it is happening
  4. This will upgrade your installation to version 2022r2.0 and provide the required collection Id while keeping the rest of the values. Failure to provide the collection Id would result in a failed upgrade.
  5. To run the History tables upgrade please follow the steps as outlined here

Deployment steps

Deploy to Azure


All troubleshooting is in the Wiki