What work did the SIG do this year that should be highlighted?
- Tracing support for the Kubernetes api-server and kubelet have graduated to beta.
- We've introduced a KEP for Kubernetes control-plane component SLIs.
- The metrics stability framework is being extended and now support
stability levels and auto-generated documentation. - Contextual logging has graduated to beta.
What initiatives are you working on that aren't being tracked in KEPs?
- Bi-weekly triage meeting
- Subprojects (see below)
- Mentorship Program
KEP work in 2022 (1.x, 1.y, 1.z):
- 1.27 Metrics stability enhancement
- 1.27 Kubernetes component health SLIs
- 1.27 Apiserver tracing
- 1.27 Kubelet tracing
- 1.27 Kubelet Resource Metrics Endpoint
- 1.26 Metrics stability enhancement
- 1.26 Kubernetes component health SLIs
- 1.25 Kubelet tracing
What areas and/or subprojects does your group need the most help with? Any areas with 2 or fewer OWNERs? (link to more details)
- kubernetes-sigs/prometheus-adapter has 1 active approver
- kubernetes-sigs/custom-metrics-apiserver has 1 active approver
- kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server has 2 approvers but are both outdated
What metrics/community health stats does your group care about and/or measure?
- Devstats
- Meeting attendance
- Meeting attendance is ~12 each week
- Triage attendance is ~8 each week
- Enhancement velocity
- We have varying levels of velocity depending on our KEPs. Some graduate in successive releases while other may take more than 1 release to promote in level.
Does your CONTRIBUTING.md help new contributors engage with your group specifically by pointing to activities or programs that provide useful context or allow easy participation?
- We certainly hope so.
If your group has special training, requirements for reviewers/approvers, or processes beyond the general contributor guide, does your CONTRIBUTING.md document those to help existing contributors grow throughout the contributor ladder?
- We have a mentorship program and now have enrolled mentees/mentors.
Does the group have contributors from multiple companies/affiliations?
- Yes: Google, Red Hat, Sony, VMware, Intel, independent contributors, and more
Are there ways end users/companies can contribute that they currently are not? If one of those ways is more full time support, what would they work on and why?
- SIG leads performed a staffing and gap analysis for the SIG's projects. We definitely can use more help, and need more part-time/full-time contributors.
- KTLO: 4 leads at 5%, 2 maintainers at 10% for core, 9-10 maintainers at 5% for 5 subprojects (can have overlap between roles, but need a minimum of 3-4 part-time contributors at 25%)
- Feature work: needs significant ongoing additional investment, minimum of 2-3 FT devs or features will continue to slip
- KTLO: Requires two experienced part-time maintainers at 10% (e.g. 2x4h = 8h/wk) in addition to the SIG leadership (chairs/TLs @ minimum of 2h/wk)
- Chairs/TLs currently perform the bulk of this work but even amongst the four of them, do not have 8h total weekly allocated
- Feature work: requires significantly more investment from development and review time.
- E.g. Structured logging initiative requires a minimum of 2 FT staff for the duration of feature development from beta -> GA
- SIG currently owns a number of KEPs stuck in alpha/beta due to lack of dev resources:
- Subprojects are currently mature/stable and mainly have KTLO needs
- kube-state-metrics: 2-3 experienced maintainers at 5%, currently staffed
- Metrics-server: 1 experienced maintainers at 5%, under staffed
- Custom-metrics-apiserver: 1 experienced maintainer at 5%, currently staffed
- Usage-metrics-collector: 4 experienced maintainers at 5%, currently staffed
- Klog: 2 experienced maintainers at 5%, has no current staffing
- Prometheus-adapter: 1 experienced maintainers at 5%, has no current staffing
- Primary slack channel member count: 1,985
- Primary mailing list member count: 358
- Primary meeting attendee count (estimated, if needed): 10-12
- Primary meeting participant count (estimated, if needed): 7-8
- Unique reviewers for SIG-owned packages: 18
- Unique approvers for SIG-owned packages: 17
Include any other ways you measure group membership
- We track active members in the SIG primarily based on devstats and meeting participation, and maintain an up-to-date roster of members in kubernetes/org. These teams also serve as aliases for GitHub pings.
New in 2022:
- instrumentation
- instrumentation-addons
- kube-state-metrics
- metrics
- custom-metrics-apiserver
- metrics-server
- prometheus-adapter
- klog
- structured-logging
- metric-stability-framework
- instrumentation-tools
- log-tools
Continuing in 2022:
- WG Structured Logging
Operational tasks in sig-governance.md:
- README.md reviewed for accuracy and updated if needed
- CONTRIBUTING.md reviewed for accuracy and updated if needed (or created if missing and your contributor steps and experience are different or more in-depth than the documentation listed in the general contributor guide and devel folder.)
- Subprojects list and linked OWNERS files in sigs.yaml reviewed for accuracy and updated if needed
- SIG leaders (chairs, tech leads, and subproject owners) in sigs.yaml are accurate and active, and updated if needed
- Meeting notes and recordings for 2022 are linked from README.md and updated/uploaded if needed
- Did you have community-wide updates in 2022 (e.g. community meetings, kubecon, or kubernetes-dev@ emails)? Links to email, slides, or recordings: - KubeCon EU 2022 SIG Update - KubeCon NA 2022 SIG Update - Youtube Playlist for recurring meetings