IDE/code editor. We recommend using Visual Studio Code.
Register an Azure AD app using the Power BI embedding setup tool. For more information see Register an Azure AD application to use with Power BI.
Verify that your Azure AD app have the Read all reports permissions.
Go to the AAD app in Azure portal that was created in the previous step and click on "Authentication".
Click on Authentication section and set the following configurations in the AAD app:
- Under "Redirect URIs", add http://localhost:3000
- Under "Implicit grant", check the Access token box
- Save the changes
Open the IDE.
Put required values in the Config.ts file. To embed a report the following details must be specified within Config.ts:
Detail Description clientId Id of the AAD application registered as a Server-side app workspaceId Id of the Power BI workspace where the report is hosted reportId Id of the report to be embedded -
Open terminal and install required dependencies by executing the following command:
npm install
Execute the below command to start the application:
npm run start
Open http://localhost:3000 in browser or refer to logs to check the port on which the application is running.
Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox
For security reasons, in a real world application, passwords and secrets should not be stored in config files. Instead, consider securing your credentials with an application such as Key Vault.