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Editor Services not starting due to "non-existent" path #1014



System Details

  • Operating system name and version: MacOS Sierra
  • VS Code version: 1.15.1
  • PowerShell extension version: 1.4.1
  • Output from $PSVersionTable:
Name                           Value                                           
----                           -----                                           
PSVersion                      6.0.0-beta                                      
PSEdition                      Core                                            
GitCommitId                    v6.0.0-beta.6                                   
OS                             Darwin 16.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 16.7.0: T...
Platform                       Unix                                            
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}                         
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3                                             
WSManStackVersion              3.0

Issue Description

I use VS Code on my Mac and access PowerShell scripts on a Parallels Windows VM. Parallels mounts the Windows disk directly as a volume on my Mac. This has been working great until I recently upgraded to Parallels 13. The Windows volume still exists called /Volumes/[C] VMABERTRAM01/ and I can access files fine still in VS Code but Editor Services fails to start.

I took a look inside of the EditorServices.log file and found this which is probably why it's refusing to load.

8/28/17 9:37:01 AM [ERROR] - Method "OnListenTaskCompleted" at line 391 of C:\projects\powershelleditorservices\src\PowerShellEditorServices.Protocol\MessageProtocol\ProtocolEndpoint.cs

    ProtocolEndpoint message loop terminated due to unhandled exception:
    System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Cannot find path '/Volumes/[C] VMABERTRAM01/<MyWorkspaceFolder>' because it does not exist.) ---> System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException: Cannot find path '/Volumes/[C] VMABERTRAM01/Users/abertram/Source/Workspaces/IS-DevOps/EO/Dev' because it does not exist.

I know this is not a problem with the volume as I can access it fine outside of VS Code. For some reason, Code does not like the volume path.

I've managed to work around this for now by creating a SMB share on my Windows VM and accessing it that way.



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