This python program takes an input PDF and split it into two PDFs by legal and letter size. The GUI is built with tkinter
and wraps the underlying command-line tool.
Start it with python
source ./venv/bin/activate # Linux/OSX
./venv/Scripts/activate.ps1 # Windows powershell
pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: [-h] [--legal_pdf LEGAL_PDF] [--letter_pdf LETTER_PDF] source_pdf
Splits a PDF into two PDFs by letter and legal page size.
positional arguments:
source_pdf Name of the source PDF with mixed page size, E.g. SamplePrint-MultipleSize.pdf
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--legal_pdf LEGAL_PDF
Name of the PDF to write to containing legal pages (default: <source_pdf>_legal.pdf)
--letter_pdf LETTER_PDF
Name of the PDF to write to containing letter pages (default: <source_pdf>_letter.pdf)