BDE protocols allow a server and a client to exchange a KZG committed data securely and fairly. The server holds the entire data, while the client only knows a KZG (polynomial commitment) to the data. For more details on the protocol we refer to our research paper.
Title: Atomic BlockChain Data Exchange with Fairness
Authors: Ertem Nusret Tas, Valeria Nikolaenko, István A. Seres, Márk Melczer, Yinuo Zhang, Mahimna Kelkar, Joseph Bonneau.
Currently available at the following links:
- IACR eprint link. (Gotta update this later)
- Researchgate link. (Gotta update this later)
Requires Foundry.
Install: forge install
Build: forge build
Differential tests: forge test --match-test testRef --ffi
Other tests: forge test --no-match-test testRef