- PCL 1.7.2
- Visual studio 2012 (both 32-bit)
- windows 7.
##Expected Behavior
A visualization window with pcap files on display.
Current Behavior
A visualization box with no data on display.
I am trying to visualize a HDL-64E PCAP file with .xml calibration file but I am not getting any output in the window.
this is my main argument in order to tackle the errors I am getting by using the tutorial program directly. Without these modifications I am not able to build the program. Any suggestions?
`int main (int argc, char ** argv)
pcl::HDLGrabber grabber ("abc.xml", "xyz.pcap");
pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerGenericFieldpcl::PointXYZI color_handler ("intensity");
SimpleHDLViewer v (grabber, color_handler);;`
EDIT: After running the program again I realized that the grabber never gets initialized in the first place. The grabber.start( ) command doesn't initialize the data exchange. Also the boost signal variable cloud_connections shows to be disconnected at the end of the viewer function but never connected. Am I missing something?