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DataSync module

Authenticate GeoNature user.

Synchronize local database through GeoNature APIs:

  • Users (i.e. Observers)
  • Taxa (with additional data like "color" by areas and taxonomy)
  • Dataset
  • Nomenclature

Synchronize observers inputs from synchronized apps (e.g. "Occtax").

Manage available applications registered from GeoNature and installed ones.

GeoNature APIs

See IGeoNatureService and ITaxHubService interfaces definition about GeoNature and TaxHub APIs endpoints consumed:

Route Method Description
/api/auth/login POST Performs authentication.
/api/gn_commons/t_mobile_apps GET Fetch available applications with its configuration.
/api/meta/datasets POST Fetch datasets.
/api/users/menu/{{observers_list_id}} GET Fetch observers.
/api/taxref/regnewithgroupe2 GET Fetch taxonomic ranks.
/api/nomenclatures/nomenclatures/taxonomy GET Fetch the nomenclature.
/api/{{module}}/defaultNomenclatures GET Fetch default nomenclature values.
/api/taxref/version GET Fetch the current version of the taxa database.
/api/taxref GET Fetch all taxa.
/api/synthese/color_taxon GET Fetch additional data for taxa.
/api/gn_commons/additional_fields?module_name={{module}} GET Fetch additional fields.

A Postman collection is available showing all the routes consumed by this module.


Module settings can be loaded from JSON as follow:

  "sync": {
    "geonature_url": "https://demo.geonature/geonature",
    "taxhub_url": "https://demo.geonature/taxhub",
    "gn_application_id": 3,
    "observers_list_id": 1,
    "taxa_list_id": 100,
    "code_area_type": "M1",
    "page_size": 10000


  "geonature_url": "https://demo.geonature/geonature",
  "taxhub_url": "https://demo.geonature/taxhub",
  "gn_application_id": 3,
  "observers_list_id": 1,
  "taxa_list_id": 100,
  "code_area_type": "M1",
  "page_size": 10000

Parameters description

Parameter UI Description Default value
geonature_url GeoNature URL
taxhub_url TaxHub URL
gn_application_id GeoNature application ID in UsersHub
observers_list_id GeoNature selected observer list ID in UsersHub
taxa_list_id GeoNature selected taxa list ID
code_area_type GeoNature selected area type
page_size Default page size while fetching paginated values 10000
sync_periodicity_data_essential Configure essential data synchronization periodicity null
sync_periodicity_data Configure all data synchronization periodicity 7d

Data synchronization periodicity

Data synchronization can be done manually through app interface. By default, the data synchronization is done every 7 days involving the whole data. If one of these parameters are set (sync_periodicity_data_essential or sync_periodicity_data), data synchronization is also made automatically according to these parameters. The sync_periodicity_data parameter implies a full synchronization of the data from GeoNature while the sync_periodicity_data_essential parameter concerns only the essential data without the taxon data related to a geographical area. This distinction between these two parameters is necessary because a full synchronization of the data can be potentially time-consuming, especially on the part of the taxon data related to a geographical area.

The expected format describing a periodic synchronization must following the pattern DdHhMmSs where d, h, m, s represents the time unit of the duration. Each part (duration value and its time unit) of the duration is optional. A time unit represents time durations at a given unit of granularity:

  • d: time unit representing 24 hours (i.e. one day)
  • h: time unit representing 60 minutes (i.e. one hour)
  • m: time unit representing 60 seconds (i.e. one minute)
  • s: time unit representing one second

Examples of valid durations:

  • 1d12h: 36 hours (i.e. 1.5 days)
  • 1d: 24 hours (i.e. one day)
  • 4h30m: 4.5 hours
  • 15m: 15 minutes

A valid synchronization periodicity should not be less than 15 minutes: Such a configuration will be ignored. If only one of these parameters is set, data synchronization involves all data. If both of these parameters are set, sync_periodicity_data parameter should be greater than sync_periodicity_data_essential parameter.

Full Build

A full build can be executed with the following command:

../gradlew clean assembleDebug