Clipper is a rather ancient derivitive of the even more ancient dbase/xbase languages. It's kind of like NCurses and SQL put into one language i.e. it's very business oriented.
I feel Andy's glare at me for calling these things ancient, as it has a transitive property towards calling him ancient.
We are using a project called Harbour which is very technically its own language, but for the most part it's just Clipper with a few extras, so we're sticking with calling it Clipper.
Plus it's basically the only way to run Clipper in Docker.
This solution was developed using an original copy of the CA Blinker program for Clipper 5.2e, so this is a fully compatible clipper implementation.
(Also try to find a gif or video of blinker - it literally blinks at you!)
Special thanks to the maintainers of this repository for spending some of their weekend helping us with making this solution possible to run in Docker.
The original Clipper has some quite unique flaws, so there are some implementation notes at the top of the file detailing our workarounds.
A Clipper 5.2e compatible unfaithful implementation of the base algorithm.
A Clipper 5.2e compatible faithful implementation of the base algorithm, which uses Clipper's database functionality to store the sieve array.
An XHarbour unfaithful implementation that uses a single flat array. Not compatible with Clipper 5.2e due to its limitation of arrays having a maximum of 4096 elements.
docker build -t clipper
docker run --rm -t clipper
Install Harbour then run:
hbmk2 -gtstd -optim -cflag=-O3 -cflag=-mtune=native ./sieve.prg