The work for 2.0 release is about to start. Ideas for new more Swift idiomatic API are welcome in issues.
- Swift implementation of web3.js functionality β‘
- Interaction with remote node via JSON RPC π
- Smart-contract ABI parsing π
- ABI deconding (V2 is supported with return of structures from public functions. Part of 0.4.22 Solidity compiler)
- RLP encoding
- Interactions (read/write to Smart contracts) π
- Local keystore management (geth compatible)
- Literally following the standards:
- Private key and transaction were created directly on an iOS device and sent directly to Infura node
- Native API
- Security (as cool as a hard wallet! Right out-of-the-box! :box: )
- No unnecessary dependencies
- Possibility to work with all existing smart contracts
- Referencing the newest features introduced in Solidity
- Not every JSON RPC function is exposed yet, priority is given to the ones required for mobile devices
- Functionality was focused on serializing and signing transactions locally on the device to send raw transactions to Ethereum network
- Requirements for password input on every transaction are indeed a design decision. Interface designers can save user passwords with the user's consent
- Public function for private key export is exposed for user convenience, but marked as UNSAFE_ :) Normal workflow takes care of EIP155 compatibility and proper clearing of private key data from memory
Nonce: 35
Gas price: 5000000000
Gas limit: 21000
To: 0x6394b37Cf80A7358b38068f0CA4760ad49983a1B
Value: 1000000000000000
Data: 0x
v: 43
r: 73059897783840535708732471549376620878882680550447969052675399628060606060727
s: 12280625377431973240236065453692843538037349746280474092545114784968542260859
Intrinsic chainID: Optional(4)
Infered chainID: Optional(4)
sender: Optional(web3swift.EthereumAddress(_address: "0x855adf524273c14b7260a188af0ae30e82e91959"))
["id": 1514485925, "result": 0xc6eca60ecac004a1501a4323a10edb7fa4cd1a0896675f6b51704c84dedad056, "jsonrpc": 2.0]
On Rinkeby TXid = 0xc6eca60ecac004a1501a4323a10edb7fa4cd1a0896675f6b51704c84dedad056
You can try it yourself by running the example project:
- Clone the repo
cd Example/web3swiftExample
- run
pod install
from theExample/web3swiftExample
directory. open ./web3swiftExample.xcworkspace
Web3swift requires Swift 4.1 and iOS 9.0 or macOS 10.11 although we recommend to use the latest iOS and MacOS versions for your own safety. Don't forget to set the iOS version in a Podfile, otherwise you get an error if the deployment target is less than the latest SDK.
- if you need help, use Stack Overflow (tag 'web3swift')
- If you'd like to ask a general question, use Stack Overflow.
- If you found a bug, open an issue.
- If you have a feature request, open an issue.
- If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:
$ sudo gem install cocoapods
To integrate web3swift into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
source ''
platform :ios, '9.0'
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'web3swift', '~> 1.1.5'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
- Create Account
- Import Account
- Sign transactions
- Send transactions, call functions of smart-contracts, estimate gas costs
- Serialize and deserialize transactions and results to native Swift types
- Convenience functions for chain state: block number, gas price
- Check transaction results and get receipt
- Parse event logs for transaction
- Manage user's private keys through encrypted keystore abstractions
- Batched requests in concurrent mode, checks balances of 580 tokens (from the latest MyEtherWallet repo) over 3 seconds
Here's a few use cases of our library
let coldWalletAddress = EthereumAddress("0x6394b37Cf80A7358b38068f0CA4760ad49983a1B")
let constractAddress = EthereumAddress("0x45245bc59219eeaaf6cd3f382e078a461ff9de7b")
Ethereum addresses are checksum checked if they are not lowercased and always length checked
var options = Web3Options.defaultOptions()
// public var to: EthereumAddress? = nil - to what address transaction is aimed
// public var from: EthereumAddress? = nil - form what address it should be sent (either signed locally or on the node)
// public var gasLimit: BigUInt? = BigUInt(90000) - default gas limit
// public var gasPrice: BigUInt? = BigUInt(5000000000) - default gas price, quite small
// public var value: BigUInt? = BigUInt(0) - amount of WEI sent along the transaction
options.gasPrice = gasPrice
options.gasLimit = gasLimit
options.from = EthereumAddress("0xE6877A4d8806e9A9F12eB2e8561EA6c1db19978d")
let address = EthereumAddress("0xE6877A4d8806e9A9F12eB2e8561EA6c1db19978d")!
let web3Main = Web3.InfuraMainnetWeb3()
let balanceResult = web3Main.eth.getBalance(address)
guard case .success(let balance) = balanceResult else {return}
let web3Main = Web3.InfuraMainnetWeb3()
let gasPriceResult = web3Main.eth.getGasPrice()
guard case .success(let gasPrice) = gasPriceResult else {return}
let contractAddress = EthereumAddress("0x45245bc59219eeaaf6cd3f382e078a461ff9de7b")! // BKX token on Ethereum mainnet
let contract = web3.contract(Web3.Utils.erc20ABI, at: contractAddress, abiVersion: 2)! // utilize precompiled ERC20 ABI for your concenience
guard let bkxBalanceResult = contract.method("balanceOf", parameters: [coldWalletAddress] as [AnyObject], options: options)?.call(options: nil) else {return} // encode parameters for transaction
guard case .success(let bkxBalance) = bkxBalanceResult, let bal = bkxBalance["0"] as? BigUInt else {return} // bkxBalance is [String: Any], and parameters are enumerated as "0", "1", etc in order of being returned. If returned parameter has a name in ABI, it is also duplicated
print("BKX token balance = " + String(bal))
let web3Rinkeby = Web3.InfuraRinkebyWeb3()
web3Rinkeby.addKeystoreManager(bip32keystoreManager) // attach a keystore if you want to sign locally. Otherwise unsigned request will be sent to remote node
options.from = bip32ks?.addresses?.first! // specify from what address you want to send it
intermediateSend = web3Rinkeby.contract(Web3.Utils.coldWalletABI, at: coldWalletAddress, abiVersion: 2)!.method(options: options)! // an address with a private key attached in not different from any other address, just has very simple ABI
let sendResultBip32 = intermediateSend.send(password: "BANKEXFOUNDATION")
var convenienceTransferOptions = Web3Options.defaultOptions()
convenienceTransferOptions.gasPrice = gasPriceRinkeby
let convenienceTokenTransfer = web3Rinkeby.eth.sendERC20tokensWithNaturalUnits(tokenAddress: EthereumAddress("0xa407dd0cbc9f9d20cdbd557686625e586c85b20a")!, from: (ks?.addresses?.first!)!, to: EthereumAddress("0x6394b37Cf80A7358b38068f0CA4760ad49983a1B")!, amount: "0.0001", options: convenienceTransferOptions) // there are also convenience functions to send ETH and ERC20 under the .eth structure
let gasEstimateResult = convenienceTokenTransfer!.estimateGas(options: nil)
guard case .success(let gasEstimate) = gasEstimateResult else {return}
convenienceTransferOptions.gasLimit = gasEstimate
let convenienceTransferResult = convenienceTokenTransfer!.send(password: "BANKEXFOUNDATION", options: convenienceTransferOptions)
switch convenienceTransferResult {
case .success(let res):
print("Token transfer successful")
case .failure(let error):
- Full reference
functionality - Light Ethereum subprotocol (LES) integration
If you've used this project in a live app, please let us know!
If you are using web3swift
in your app or know of an app that uses it, please add it to this list.
- Gnosis team and their library Bivrost-swift for inspiration for the ABI decoding approach
- Trust iOS Wallet for the collaboration and discussion of the initial idea
- Official Ethereum and Solidity docs, everything was written from ground truth standards
For the latest version, please check develop branch. Changes made to this branch will be merged into the master branch at some point.
- If you want to contribute, submit a pull request against a development
branch. - If you found a bug, open an issue.
- If you have a feature request, open an issue.
When using this pod, please make references to this repo and give your start! :) Nothing makes developers happier than seeing someone else use our work and go wild with it.
If you are using web3swift in your app or know of an app that uses it, please add it to this list.
Alex Vlasov, @shamatar,
Petr Korolev, @skywinder
web3swift is available under the Apache License 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.