This is a wrapper script that takes multiple BUSCO output folders or the output folder from Orthofinder to concatenate, align, and contruct phylogentic tree(s) of single copy BUSCOs/orthologs. Please be aware of directory strucuture required for BUSCO innput (see below)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d , --directory Parent directory containing directory for each species
-i , --input Program used for input directory data [busco|orthofinder]
-o , --out Name for output directory
-k , --key Keyword to help find correct BUSCO output folder [ex. -k sordario when busco output folder is run_sordario
-t , --type Choice of sequence output [prot|nuc|both] (only prot available when using orthofinder)[default: prot]
-sub , --subsample Percent of genes to subsample for a preliminary analysis [ex. 0.10]
-l , --list File contains list of single copy BUSCOs or Orthogroups for Phylogeny on (one per line)
--stop Stop after concatenation [ac] stop after alignment [aa]
--resume Resume after concatenation [ac] resume after alignment [aa]
-c , --cpus Cores to use [default: 2]
-a , --aligner Choice of sequence aligner [mafft|muscle] [default: mafft]
-ma_a [ ...], --mafft_args [ ...] Additional flags, separated by commas, within quotes, no spaces after commas, to be used in MAFFT alignment [ex. 'localpair,maxiterate 0-1000']
-mu_i , --muscle_iter Maximum number of iterations for MUSCLE [default: 16]
-mu_d, --muscle_diags Turn on find diagonals for MUSCLE (faster for similar sequences) [default: OFF]
-ph , --phylogeny Choice of sequence output [fasttree|raxml] [default: fasttree]
-b , --boot Number of bootstraps. Seriously consider reducing if using raxml. [default: 1000]
-ft_a [ ...], --fasttree_args [ ...] Additional flags, separated by commas, within quotes, no spaces after commas,to be used in fasttree run [ex. 'slow,bionj,spr 4']
-rx_a [ ...], --raxml_args [ ...] Additional flags, separated by commas, within quotes, no spaces after commas,to be used in raxml run [ex. 'k,f a,t file.nwk']
-rx_og [ ...], --raxml_outgroup [ ...] Names of outgroup species to use in raxml run [ex. 'rat,mouse,fly,human']. Names must correlate to headers in alignment file
-rx_p_sub , --raxml_prot_sub Protein substitution model to use [see raxmlHPC -h for all -m flag options] [default: PROTCATAUTO]
-rx_n_sub , --raxml_nuc_sub Nucleotide substitution model to use [see raxmlHPC -h for all -m flag options] [default: GTRCAT]
-rx_al , --raxml_algorithm Algorithm to use [see raxmlHPC -h for all -f flag options] [default: a]
-rx_t, --raxml_threads Turn off PTHREADS [default: ON]
For BUSCO use please set up your Parent_directory (-d/--directory input) like so:
+--Genus_species <- This name will be used in FASTA headers and Phylogenetic trees
| |
| |
| +--run_xxx <- This is your BUSCO output folder
For Orthofinder use:
Parent_directory = Results_XXX output folder from Orthofinder
(Note: Orthofinder will only use 'prot' as Orthofinder does not output any nucleotide sequences)
(Note: Currently only compatible with Orthofinder Version 2.2 or lower. Will add 2.3 and above soon)
Running the script with all default settings will run these commands depending on which aligner and ML construction program you use.
mafft --threads 2 genes.fasta > alignment.fasta
muscle -maxiters 16 -log logfile.log -in genes.fasta -out alignment.fasta
- Proteins
FastTree -seed 12345 -gamma -boot 1000 -log logfile.log alignment.fasta > tree.nwk
- Nucleotides
FastTree -nt -seed 12345 -gamma -boot 1000 -log logfile.log alignment.fasta > tree.nwk
RAxML (It is highly recommended to reduce the bootstraps for RAxML with -b/--boot flag or you could be waiting a very very long time)
- Proteins
raxmlHPC-PTHREADS -m PROTCATAUTO -s alignment.fasta -x 12345 -p 12345 -# 1000 -k -T 2 -f a -n prot_out
- Nucleotides
raxmlHPC-PTHREADS -m GTRCAT -s alignment.fasta -x 12345 -p 12345 -# 1000 -k -T 2 -f a -n prot_out
Output Folder
- Individual species folders containing FASTA file of genes and concatenation of genes
- Final FASTA concatenation of all species and alignment FASTA file(s)
- Newicks tree file(s) and other associated files