The development team is committed to the long-term and continuous development of the PhyStar project. The goal is to build a partially open-source to solve complex multiphysics fields (including flow fields, multiphase, multicomponent, fluid-structure interactions, etc.) within five years (2023-2027). This platform aims to facilitate research activities for scientists and enthusiasts in relevant fields.
- 初步实现了简单解析流场/均匀各向同性湍流/槽道湍流中颗粒两相流问题,实现了颗粒的单向/三向耦合过程,目前正在进一步优化颗粒与流体的求解结构。
- Preliminary implementation of particle-laden flows in simple flow, homogeneous isotropic turbulence and turbulent channel flow. Particle couplings, including one-way and three-way coupling, have been implemented. Currently, further optimization of the solution framworks for particles and fluids is in progress.
- 完成点颗粒模型(非球形颗粒,游动颗粒,粘附颗粒),下一步计划丰富求解器类型(谱/差分槽道/边界层求解程序、浸没边界法)和颗粒模型。
- We have implemented point-particle models(non-spherical particles, swimming particles, smart particles). In the next step, we will enrich the fluid solvers (spectral/difference channel/boundary layer, immersed boundary method, and so on) and particle models.
- 发布计划:2023年底实现课题组内测,2024年上半年,同行合作者小范围测试.
- Release plan: Internal testing within the research group by the end of 2023, followed by small-scale testing with peer collaborators in the first half of 2024.
If you are interested in becoming a team developer or have any suggestions regarding the development of PhyStar, please contact czw17@tsinghua.org.cn.
What will you gain by joining the development team?
- PhyStar 的全部开发资料,包括开发手册,说明文档,以及各类问题的处理.
- Access to all development materials of PhyStar, including development manuals, documentation, and various issue resolutions.
- 相关开发内容的署名权.
- Attribution for contributions to the development content.
- 结交优秀的开发团队成员
- The opportunity to collaborate with outstanding team members.
What kind of developers are we looking for to join the team?
- 熟悉C/C++, 了解Fortran, Python, Julia, Matlab等主流科研开发语言.
- Proficiency in C/C++, familiarity with Fortran, Python, Julia, Matlab, and other mainstream scientific research programming languages.
- 具有流体力学/固体力学/多物理场/多相流/颗粒流/机器学习等相关问题的研究背景.
- Research background in fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, multiphysics, multiphase flow, particle flow, machine learning, or related fields.
- 具有合作精神,积极乐观,有责任.
- Possessing a good team spirit, being proactive, optimistic, and responsible.
The above translations are partially done by ChatGPT.