section | title |
quick-start |
Introduction |
This quick start guide will get you up and running with a fresh new Keystone application in just a few easy commands.
With just 5 minutes, this is what you're going to build:
Please make sure your computer/server meets the following requirements:
- Node.js >= 10.x: Node.js is a server platform which runs JavaScript.
- MongoDB >= 4.x: MongoDB is a powerful document store.
To create a new KeystoneJS application, ensure mongodb is running and then run the following commands.
npx create-keystone-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start
Congratulations, you are now running your very own Keystone application! To visit your running application (a simple todo list), visit
Your application also has an admin UI, which lets you directly manipulate the data in your database.
The Admin UI Tutorial will walk you through the functionality provided by the Admin UI.
Both your application and the admin UI are being powered by a GraphQL API. Keystone provides a web interface for this API at
The Introduction To GraphQL tutorial will guide you through the basics of using GraphQL to interact with your Keystone system.