void send_it_later_alligator();
My Resume.
Reach me via Discord or walas.piotr@outlook.com.
OCOsense - smart glasses for analyzing facial expression using optomyographic sensors - 2023
Acoustic source localization using drone-embedded microphone array - 2019
Intelligent vision system for controlling traffic lights at intersection entrances - 2018
[WiP] EyePilot
EyePilot is personal use app based on opensource Eyegestures python library. It is designed to deliver gaze driven interface for all who cannot use or do not want to use hand based input devices.
Ad hoc (minimal calibration) Eye controlled cursor, detecting blinking, following your gaze move and working in web browser!
Eyes are new mouse. Most people use laptops or smartphones, having easy access to built-in camera systems, and many research papers already shown that a web camera is enough to track gaze. Following that state of affair, I decided to develop this PoC for eye controlled tracker and it seems to work! (well do not expect too much though)
WebSend (adhoc communication)
PnP adhoc messaging with file sending using webRTC! Allows for transfering files between to machines connected to internet, without sharing any email accounts, usb sticks, or links. Adhoc connection based on QR code or randomly generated passphrase.
Facejitsu (done with Emteq) - Affective gaming PoC
Play games with your faces expressions, using Emteq facial sensing glasses! Affective gaming PoC built by me internally in Emteq. Games are experiments provided by Gymnasium project.
(clearly I am not the best player ...)
This is implementation of Neural Evolution of Augmenting Topologies using JAX, based on paper of Kenneth O. Stanley and Risto Miikkulainen. I am huge fan of evolutionary techniques, so decided to design some tiny framework foR this.
Repository may be a bit of mess, but all main code is in neat.py.
Results roughly after 30 epochs/generations:
Repo focused on benchmarking matrix operations, to find and document where JAX is outperforming Numpy.
Cpp and Python implementation of particle life algorithm. Pretty and beautiful simulation of emergent structures caused by simple interactions of attraction:
Here is my take on implementation of 2D boids algorithm, case showing emergent behaviours based in systems based on simple building blocks.
Evolutionary algorithms can make art (or at aleast reproduce it).
What will happen if you let two LLMs talk to each other?
LLM can generate code and test it! (feat. BlackBoxTesting [WIP] Framework)
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