License: MIT - 09.05.2024 (DD/MM/YYYY)
This is implementation of Neural Evolution of Augmenting Topologies using JAX, based on paper of Kenneth O. Stanley and Risto Miikkulainen. I am huge fan of evolutionary techniques, so decided to design some tiny framework for using this.
Repository may be a bit of mess, but all main code is in
Results roughly after 30 epochs:
You can run experiment by using:
python3 exmaples/
python3 exmaples/
python3 exmaples/
Cart pole is the easiest one for this one, so it should learn quite quickly. A lot depends also on fitness functions so you may want adjust it for your own experimetns.
my_neat = NEAT(INPUT_SIZE,
keep_top = 4,
nmc = 0.5,
cmc = 0.5,
wmc = 0.5,
bmc = 0.5,
amc = 0.5,
N = N,
δ_th = δ_th)
Obrain FeedForwad newtorks:
networks = my_neat.evaluate()
and then iterate through them and activate each:
for n,network in enumerate(networks):
actions = network.activate(some_input_to_network)
[... your environment steps ...]
collect obtained reward from each network, keeping the order of execution. Then you can pass fitness to NEAT and evolve it:
δ_th = [... speciation thersh ...]
N = [... additional parameter to control speciation ...]
epsylon = [... evolution drift for weights, and biases ...]
WMC = [... evolution probability for weigths ...]
BMC = [... evolution probability for biases ...]
AMC = [... evolution probability for changing activation functions ...]
NMC = [... evolution probability for making new nodes ...]
CMC = [... evolution probability for for making new connections...]
neat.cross_over(δ_th = δ_th, N = N)
neat.mutate_weight(epsylon = epsylon,wmc=WMC)
neat.mutate_bias(epsylon = epsylon,bmc=BMC)