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FSM (@peter.naydenov/fsm)

version license

Finite state machine(FSM) is an abstract machine that can be in exactly one of a finite number of states at any given time. The FSM can change from one state to another in response to some external inputs(actions). The change from state to another is called a transition. An FSM is defined by a list of its states, its initial state, and the conditions for each transition.

const myFsm = {
          init  : 'none'  // initial fsm state
        , table : [     
                    // [ fromState,  action   , nextState, transitionFx ]
                       [ 'none'   , 'activate', 'active' , 'switchON'   ] // transition condition
                    ,  [ 'active' , 'stop'    , 'none'   , 'switchOFF'  ] // transition condition
  • init: string. Initial state for the FSM;
  • table: array of transitionConditions. Describe relation among fsm state, action and transition;
  • transitionCondition: Array [fromState action nextState transitionFx];
  • fromState: string. State as starting point for transition;
  • action: string. External input signal. Transition could happen only when fromState and action are described in transitionCondition record;
  • nextState: string. The FSM state if transition is successful;
  • transitionFx: string. The function name that will be executed on 'state/action' conditions. Transition should return transitionResult object where parameter "success" will represent transition success. Result of transition will be evaluated by FSM. Positive response will change actual state to 'nextState' from transitionCondition record. Negative result will keep actual state;

Transitions are functions and they are provided to FSM as functional library - javascript object with functions.

const transitionLibrary = {
          switchOn  : function () {
                        // ...code 
        , switchOff : function () {
                        // ...code

It's simple and clean way to represent system behaviour but practice shows that is not enough. This implementation was extended to cover some aditional program needs like:

  • Transition function could contain asynchronous code(Available after version 2.0);
  • Chain-actions in transaction conditions (Optional after version 2.0);
  • Chain-actions are possible on positive and negative transition-end (After version 2.0);
  • Export fsm state as an object: externalState. (Available after version 2.1);
  • Import externalState (Available after version 2.1);
  • Prevent simultaneous updates (Available after version 2.1);
  • Cache stack for fsm-updates and postponed execution (Available after version 2.1);

Implement Fsm

Install module by:

npm i @peter.naydenov/fsm

Add in your script:

import Fsm from '@peter.naydenov/fsm'
 // init new fsm:
 const fsm = new Fsm ( machine, lib )

... where machine is fsm-description and lib is a transition-library.

If your project is commonJS, use a dynamic import function or use version v.3.0.0 or older.

Fsm Description

Fsm description is an object that define fsm business logic. Every fsm description should contain init and table properties.:

const machine = {
        init : 'stopped'
      , table: [
                //    [  state   , action    , nextState, functionName, chainAction(optional) ]
                      [ 'stopped', 'activate', 'active', 'fnActivate' ]
                    , [ 'stopped', 'activate', 'active', 'fnActivate' ]
      , stateData : { greeting: 'hi' }
      /** Parameter 'stateData' is optional parameter. Data will be 
       *  provided to each transition function. You can read and modify
       *  stateData values.
       * /

Property 'init' is the initial state of the system. Property 'table' describes how system reacts. Every row contain 5 elements:

  1. Current active state;
  2. Action;
  3. Next state;
  4. Transition function that should be applied;
  5. Chain action
[ 'stopped', 'activate', 'active', 'fnActivate' ]
// Read this transition condition like:
 *  When state is 'stopped' and external input 'activate' comes, transition 'fnActivate' will be executed. On success state will become 'active'. No chain-actions are defined.

Fsm Transition Library

Object that will contain all transition functions:

 const lib = {
       fnActicate () { 
           // ... code to activate
     , fnStop () {
          // ... code to stop

Fsm Transition Function

Fsm transition function is a function, member of transition library. Transition functions is kind of middleware. Every function receives 4 arguments:

const lib = {
 fnActivate ( task, dependencies, stateObject, dt ) {
      // function code is here...
      task.done ( end )   // end is a transitionResult {}
  • task - askForPromise object; AskForPromise documentation. Represents asynchronous transition execution. Finish by providing to task object, the transition result object. task.done( transitionResult );
  • dependencies - object. Contain all external dependencies. Set fsm dependencies by fsm.setDependencies();
  • stateObject - object. Contains all helper params needed to support the FSM state;
  • dt - object. External data provided from fsm.update( action, dt);

Execution of transition function will end on task.done(end) where end is an transitionResult object.


Only one of the params in this object is required:

     success : true   // Required. Boolean. Transition success;
   , response : {}    // Optional. Object. update answer response;
   , stateData : {}   // Optional. Object. 'stateData' if there is stateData changes; 
   , command : null   // Optional. String|null|undefined. Next action if chaining is required (depricated). Use "chainActions" in table instead;

FSM Methods

   setDependencies     : 'Insert all external dependencies'
 , getState            : 'Returns actual state'
 , update              : 'Trigger an action'
 , exportState         : 'Export state and stateData as a single object (externalState)'
 , importState         : 'Import externalState object.'
 , reset               : 'Revert state and stateData to initial values described during initialization'
 , ignoreCachedUpdates : 'Ignore all cached updates'

fsm.setDependencies ()

Set dependencies for FSM. Dependency object will be provided to every transition function. With dependency injection code will stay testable. Don't forget to add here all window based objects and functions that are available only in the browser environment.

      moment = require ( 'moment' )
    , fsm = new Fsm ()
    , deps = {
              scrollTo : window.scrollTo
            , moment 

  fsm.setDependencies ( deps )     
  • Method returns: void;

fsm.getState ()

Will return current current FSM state.

 let currentState = fsm.getState ()
  • Method returns: string. Current FSM state;

fsm.update ()

Provide actions to FSM. If conditions 'state/action' exist in description table, FSM will react.

 fsm.update ( action, altData)
    .then ( r => {
             // something with the response
  • action(required): string. The action.
  • altData(optional): any. Additional data provided to the transition;
  • Method returns: Promise of any. Returned value is equal to transitionResult.response;

fsm.exportState ()

Export state and stateData as a single object (externalState). Export state to:

  • Keep fsm history record;
  • Possible point of recovery;
  • Synchronize fsm states accross the network in large distributed systems;
  • Debuging purposes;
   const externalState = fsm.exportState ();
    *  externalState = {
    *                     state : 'actualState'
    *                   , stateData : {
    *                                   ... all stateData flags are here
    *                                }
    *               }
    * */
  • Method returns: externalState object

fsm.importState ()

Put fsm in specific state by importing externalState object described in 'exportState()' method. Use method to:

  • Recover previous state of the fsm;

  • Testing specific situations by moving fsm directly in required state;

  • Synchronize fsm states accross the network;

  • externalState: externalState object

  • Method returns: void

fsm.reset ()

Returns initial values for state and stateData.

  fsm.reset ()
  • Method returns: void;

fsm.ignoreCachedUpdates ()

Ignore all cached updates.

const fsm = new Fsm ( description, transitions );
fsm.update ( 'start' ).then ( x =>  fsm.ignoreCachedUpdates () ) 
 *  Update with action 'start' will block all upcoming updates. Subsequent updates
 *  will wait by using cache mechanism.
 *  Method 'ignoreCachedUpdates' will remove updates from cache and will close their promises with 'reject' and
 *  error message.
 *  Use reject function to customize 'canceled updates' behaviour
fsm.update ( 'move' )
    .then ( r => {   // resolve function
                result = fsm.exportState ()
                expect ( result.state ) ( 'initial' )
            , r => {   // reject function
                //---> 'r' will contain error message produced by fsm.
                //  r == "Action 'move' was ignored"
  • Method returns: void;


Example represents controller for system that require electricity. On fsm.update('start') controller will try to activate standard electricity source. On fail will trigger chain-action generator and will try to activate alternative energy source. On success state will become altSrc(alternativeSource). When standart electricity source is available we can inform the system by calling fsm.update('electricity') and on success state will become active. Switch off the system any time by calling fsm.update('stop').

        lib   = {  
                    switchON ( task, dependencies, stateData, dt ) {
                            task.done ({ success : false })
                    , altOn ( task ) {
                            task.done ({ success: true })
                    , switchOFF ( task ) {
                            task.done ({ success: true })
                    , primarySource ( task ) {
                            task.done ({ success: true })
    , machine = {
                      init  :  'none'
                    , table : [
                                [ 'none'   , 'start'      , 'active' , 'switchON', [ false, 'generator']  ]
                              , [ 'none'   , 'generator'  , 'altSrc' , 'altOn'         ]
                              , [ 'active' , 'stop'       , 'none'   , 'switchOFF'     ]
                              , [ 'altSrc' , 'stop'       , 'none'   , 'switchOFF'     ]
                              , [ 'altSrc' , 'electricity' , 'active', 'primarySource' ]
const fsm = new Fsm ( machine, lib );
fsm.update ( 'activate' )
    .then ( () => {
                const r = fsm.getState ();
                expect ( r ) ( 'altSrc' )

Migration from v.1 to v.2

Project was started with simplest posible implementation. I like the approach and want to extend it. Reasons:

  • Some of my transition function contain asynchronous events;
  • Describe chain of actions inside the transition condition records;
  • Chain of action on positive and negative transition end;

So... about changes:

Transition complete

  • Version 1: Transition function should return transitionResult object.
  • Version 2: Transition function receives as first param task. Task is askForPromise object. Transition is complete on task.done(transitionResult).
  • Changes: Find return statement and convert it to task.done:
    // ver. 1 ->
    return { success : true }
    // ver. 2 ->
    task.done ({ success : true })

Transition params

    // ver. 1 ->
    transition ( dependencies, stateData, dt )

    // ver. 2 ->
    transition ( task, dependencies, stateData, dt )
  • Change: Open transition library and add 'task' argument to all transitioin functions.

Description table

  • Version 1: Transition condition in description table:

        [ 'state', 'action', 'nextState', 'transitionFx' ]

    All fields are string and are required.

  • Version 2: Fields in description table record:

        [ 'state', 'action', 'nextState', 'transitionFx', 'chainActions' ]
        // chainAction is array [ nextAction, nextAction ]
        // If we need chaining only on positive/negative result of transition we can use "false"
        // Example:
        // We need chain transition only if transition failed:
        // [ false, nextAction ]
        // This chainAction will trigger nextAction only if transition failed.

    ChainActions is an array with two values. First value represents next action on success transition. Second on failed transition. ChainAction is optional.

  • Changes: As ChainActions is an optional parameter, no changes needed.


  • Version 1: TransitionResult should contain property "command", that will link to next transition.
  • Version 2: TransitionResult with property 'command' still works. Chaining in description-table is more powerfull and will overwrite transitionResult's "command" property.
  • Changes: No changes needed but is much better to describe chains in description table instead in transition functions. Keep all logic flows on one place for easy reading and manipulating.

Release History

4.0.1 ( 2022-11-16)

  • Walk was removed. Generates a lot of problems with objects in stateData(HTMLElement, Date, URL). StateData is using a shallow copy. Developer should take care of immutability himself;

4.0.0 (2022-11-15)

  • The library become a ES module;

3.0.0 (2022-10-14)

  • Dependency "@peter.naydenov/walk" was upgraded to version 3.0.0;

2.2.4 ( 2022-05-27 )

  • New dependency was added - walk ("@peter.naydenov/walk");
  • "Walk" is loaded by default in fsm dependency object;
  • "Ask-for-promise" is loaded by default in fsm dependency object;
  • Deep copy for stateData on each update with "walk" library;

2.2.3 ( 2021-04-02 )

  • Fix: Duplicated update callback if logic contain a chainAction;

2.2.2 ( 2021-03-26 )

  • Internal code refactoring;
  • Bug: Duplicated update callback if logic contain a chainAction;

2.2.0 (2019-01-20)

  • Fix: Cached transitions are starting before callback functions for already executed transitions;
  • New method 'ignoreCachedUpdates()'. Ignore all cached updates;

2.1.0 (2019-01-19)

  • Export fsm state as an object - externalState;
  • Import externalState;
  • Lock updates during update process execution;
  • Prevent simultaneous updates;
  • Cache new updates during update process execution;
  • Execute cached updates in a row;
  • Error: Cached transitions are starting before callback functions for already executed transitions;

2.0.0 (2018-12-01)

  • Transition function could contain asynchronous code;
  • Chain-actions in transaction conditions (Optional);
  • Chain-actions are possible on positive and negative transition-end;

1.0.0 (2018-11-21)

  • FSM;
  • Set FSM external dependencies;
  • Chain-actions by using command in transition response object;
  • Internal state flags and values with stateData;


'@peter.naydenov/fsm' was created by Peter Naydenov.


'@peter.naydenov/fsm' is released under the MIT License.