Perfect provides the ability to execute local processes or shell commands through the SysProcess
type. This type allows local processes to be launched with an array of parameters and shell variables. Some processes will execute and return a result immediately. Other processes can be left open for interactive read/write operations.
Add the "Perfect" project as a dependency in your Package.swift file:
url: "",
majorVersion: 3
In your file where you wish to use SysProcess, import the PerfectLib and add either SwiftGlibc or Darwin:
import PerfectLib
#if os(Linux)
import SwiftGlibc
import Darwin
The following function runProc
accepts a command, an array of arguments, and optionally outputs the response from the command.
func runProc(cmd: String, args: [String], read: Bool = false) throws -> String? {
let envs = [("PATH", "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin")]
let proc = try SysProcess(cmd, args: args, env: envs)
var ret: String?
if read {
var ary = [UInt8]()
while true {
do {
guard let s = try proc.stdout?.readSomeBytes(count: 1024) where s.count > 0 else {
ary.append(contentsOf: s)
} catch PerfectLib.PerfectError.fileError(let code, _) {
if code != EINTR {
ret = UTF8Encoding.encode(bytes: ary)
let res = try proc.wait(hang: true)
if res != 0 {
let s = try proc.stderr?.readString()
throw PerfectError.systemError(Int32(res), s!)
return ret
let output = try runProc(cmd: "ls", args: ["-la"], read: true)
Note that the SysProcess
command is executed in this example with a hardcoded environment variable.
is the standard input file stream.
is the standard output file stream.
is the standard error file stream.
is the process identifier.
Returns true if the process was opened and was running at some point.
Note that the process may not be currently running. Use wait(false)
to check if the process is currently running.
terminates the process and cleans up.
Detach from the process such that it will not be manually terminated when this object is uninitialized.
Determine if the process has completed running and retrieve its result code.
myProcess.wait(hang: <Bool>)
Terminate the process and return its result code.
myProcess.kill(signal: <Int32 = SIGTERM>)
Response is an Int32
result code.