This guide will share steps that you can use to produce an Ubuntu Linux environment, which is suitable for use with the Swift 4 programming language, and with PerfectlySoft's Perfect 3 application framework.
Begin by installing, deploying, or otherwise utilizing an Ubuntu system. For ease of use, you may use the following command to perform the steps as the root user. You'll need to be using an administrative account, and you'll need its password. If you choose to skip this step, you'll need to prefix many of the steps in this guide with the sudo command.
sudo su
If you are connected to the Ubuntu system via SSH, you might wish to establish a screen session for these steps in case you're disconnected. This section is not mandatory. You can skip to the next section of steps. To establish a screen session called "perfect," use:
screen -S perfect
If screen isn't installed, you'll need to install it:
apt-get install screen
To intentionally disconnect from a screen session, you can use Control-A, D. To reconnect to the intentionally disconnected screen session:
screen -r perfect
If you were unintentionally disconnected from your screen session, you might need to use:
screen -D -R perfect
You can install the majority of dependencies for Swift 4 and for Perfect 3 via a free installation script Perfect Ubuntu
Download the MongoDB source code:
cd /usr/src/
Decompress the MongoDB source code:
gunzip mongo-c-driver-1.3.5.tar.gz
Extract the MongoDB source code:
tar -xvf mongo-c-driver-1.3.5.tar
Remove the MongoDB source code archive:
rm mongo-c-driver-1.3.5.tar
Configure the MongoDB source code for compilation:
cd mongo-c-driver-1.3.5/
./configure --enable-sasl=yes
Compile MongoDB:
Install MongoDB:
make install
Congratulations! You now have an environment suitable for Swift 4 and Perfect 3.
Now you can copy the Perfect 3 template project:
git clone
Then build & run:
cd PerfectTemplate
swift run
You can test this application from a different shell with the curl