This is a collection of Unity3D examples of how to interface with openEMSstim (via USB):
- EMS_Pong: is a game of pong that is connected to the openEMSstim and stimulates the player who looses a point. It does so by interfacing with the openEMSstim board via USB using the Unity3D Serial capabilities.
The game is simple: every time a player looses a point (like in the image below, player left is about to loose a point) that player gets a few seconds of EMS stimulation.
- Make sure you have Unity3D installed
- Import the whole project as a new project or open the EMS_Pong.unity (A scene file, located under the "Assets" folder).
- Go to the GameObject "openEMSstim_container".
- Using the GUI inspector on the right side of the Unity Editor, make sure that you are providing the correct serial port.
- check on your operating system what is the port ID. for instance on Mac it might be something like
. Type that in unity. - If you want to change the player's stimulation message, check the Player_R_Lostpoint (a game object) and the Player_L_Lostpoint (a game object). You can edit the raw EMS messages there.
Note: this require the project to be set to .NET2.0 instead of .NET20.0(Subset). 1. 2.
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