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Script4J is an implementation of Java SE and JavaFX in TypeScript/JavaScript


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Script4J is an implementation of Java SE API and JavaFX API in TypeScript/JavaScript.

Java SE in TypeScript/JavaScript

The core of Script4J is the implementation of Java SE API – base types, errors, collections etc.

As Script4J is supposed to be used mainly in browsers, not all API will be implemented and multithreading will never be supported. Besides, the difference between Java and JavaScript slightly influences on the API.

The target Java SE version is 11.

JavaFX in TypeScript/JavaScript

Script4J provides an implementation of JavaFX API on base of web technologies - every Node has a HTML element, which is added to HTML document body. So, Script4J allows to use JavaFX API for building web user interfaces.

There is a demo module that shows using MVVM design pattern. After building the code you will find in dist folder a HTML document that is the entry point of the demo.

The target JavaFX version is 11.


Scene always controls the number of event handlers for every event type for all its nodes. Knowing number of event handlers Scene creates on root HTML element HTML listeners that catch HTML events on capturing phase. Using by HTMLElement target Node is resolved. After that FX Event is created and etc. For details see HTMLEventListenerManager in module.


There is a strict separation between HTML layer and FX layer. Every Node has a HTMLSkin which contains all the logic to work with HTML code. All HTMLSkins are created by HTMLSkinFactorys. There is a HTMLSkinFactoryManager that contains all the factories (and first of all default factories) and which provide factory by Node class. Default factories are registered in HTMLSkinFactoryManager by SkinFactoryRegistrator from skin package. If it is necessary to change HTMLSkin for all instances of one Node (that are not created yet) then use HTMLSkinFactoryManager. Note, that Node#createDefaultSkin implemented this way:

protected createDefaultSkin(): HTMLSkin<Node> {
    return HTMLSkinFactoryManager.getFactory(this.getClass()).create(this, LoadedHTMLElementQueue.pollElement());

According to JavaFX API Skin can be applied only to controls. However, it is not Script4J case because it requires more control. For example, to add Scene to document body the following code can be used:


That's why HTMLSkin is defined in but not in script4jfx.control. At the same time Skin in script4jfx.control extends HTMLSkin so it doesn't conflict much with JavaFX API.


As Script4J is supposed to be used mainly in browsers there is no much sense to use FXML - relations between nodes and HTML settings are already in DOM. So, Script4J doesn't support FXML, but supports loading Nodes from HTML. Consider the following example:


<div data-fx-id="pane1" id="theRoot">
    <div data-fx-id="pane2" class="some-class" style="background-color: yellow">
        <div data-fx-id="pane3"></div>


class Controller {

    private pane1: Pane = null;    

    private pane2: Pane = null;

    private pane3: Pane = null;

    constructor() {


    public getPane1(): Pane {
        return this.pane1;

    public getPane2(): Pane {
        return this.pane2;

    public getPane3(): Pane {
        return this.pane3;
const htmlLoader: HTMLLoader = new HTMLLoader();
const ctrl: Controller = new Controller();
const rootPane: Pane = htmlLoader.load(document.getElementById("theRoot"));
console.log(rootPane.getId());//output: theRoot
console.log(ctrl.getPane2().getStyle());//output: background-color: yellow;

Note, that HTMLLoader is in script4jfx.loader module, and there is no script4jfx.fxml module.


  • Script4J decreases development time as it is very convenient to use the same API for building JavaScript frontend and Java backend.
  • Script4J increases the quality of the code as Java SE API and JavaFX API are very mature.
  • Script4J makes it possible to use the same design patterns, for example MVVM.
  • Script4J allows to use the same business services for both web and non web user interfaces without necessity to modify these services.


Java 9 introduced the Java Platform Module System (JPMS). On the other side ECMAScript 2015 introduced JavaScript module system. In Script4J, JPMS modules are mapped to JavaScript modules. For example, Object class from java.base is located in script4j.base module.

However, for development time every class is placed in separate ES2015 class-module for convenience. During code building on the base of such class-modules one total module is generated (in .ts and .js) according to the rules in module-info.js file.

At the same time JPMS module can contain packages, but ES2015 module can't. Because of this it is not possible to have classes with the same name inside one ES2015 module.

Code Building

Please, before code building read the following important note.

For all commands it is possible to use only npm run. To build all:

git clone
cd script4j
npm run install-all
npm run build-all

After it all compiled and modified JavaScript modules can be found in script4j/dist folder. TypeScript modules are located in modules/<module-name>/dist folder.

Code Testing

Built for production ES2015 module can have much more classes then it exports. So, it is necessary to have another way to test all classes, even those which are not exported. To do it a special ES2015 module is created for being tested and is placed in modules/<module-name>/tmp folder. This module exports all the classes it has.

To test all modules run the following command:

npm run test-all

To test one module run the following commands:

cd modules/<module-name>
npm run test-module

Contributing to Script4J

Script4J is a difficult project, so we need any help from everyone who is interested in it. You can help in many ways:

  • Give us any feedback. We need to know your opinion, your comments, your ideas and they can help us a lot.
  • If you find any bug, please, open an issue.
  • If you find the project interesting and need it for your applications create a PR (with tests).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Script4J is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception.

Classpath Exception is used for all code in src folder in all modules, that are created according to modules in libraries listed in NOTICE file. For Classpath Exception code the license header from gpl2v+ce-header.txt file must be used.

For all other code Classpath Exception is not used (other modules, tests etc) and for such code the license header from gpl2v-ce-header.txt file must be used.