This is Home Assistant integration for SolaX local API. Work is based on and all credits for initial conception work go there.
There are some Modbus registers which I skipped because I think it is not interesting. If you see something useful in EVC Modbus document what is not here, let me know. HTTP API is not 1:1 to Modbus but there is high chance that I can add required sensor.
This has to be taken as only other mean of communication where Modbus is not possible.
Please write only issues specific to Http API here. All other stuff is common and should be discussed in
I have no physycal device to test on. If you are missing some sensor on G2 HAC, please raise issue here. It is easy to add sensors, but I need someone to test it. I will not blindly add sensors without test.
Let me know if you have other device and you are interested in integrating it. Physical device is required as there is no documentation available.
This repository is compatible with HACS. You can use this link to install the integration.