This event calendar implements JQuery FullCalendar in ASP.NET.
Features of this event calendar
- Create single day events
- Create multiple day events
- Create all day events
- Update existing events
- Delte events
- You can add a name and description of the event
- When you hover over an event opens a modal window with more information about the event
- Drag & Drop events
- FullCalendar 2.0.3
- jQuery 2.1.1
- jQuery UI 1.11.1
- qTip 2.2.0
EventDAO class is the main class which interacts with the database and SQL Server express edition has been used. The event information is stored in a table named ‘event’ in the database.
event_id int [identity]
description VarChar(200)
title VarChar(100)
event_start DateTime
event_end DateTime
all_day Bit
To open just open Visual Studio then Open Website and select the solution folder