Custom handlers allow users to integrate custom rendering for either unsupported languages or to override / extend builtin implementations.
Custom handlers are ran identically to builtin ones, so by writing custom extmark
(see :h nvim_buf_set_extmark()) to the namespace
this plugin will handle clearing
the extmark
s on mode changes as well as re-rendering when needed.
Each handler must conform to the following interface:
---@field public render fun(namespace: integer, root: TSNode, buf: integer)
---@field public extends? boolean
The render
function parameters are:
: The id that this plugin interacts with when setting and clearingextmark
: The root treesitter node for the specified languagebuf
: The buffer containing the root node
The extends
parameter defines whether the builtin handler should still be run in
conjunction with this one. Defaults to false
This is a high level interface, as such creating, parsing, and iterating through a treesitter query is entirely up to the user if the functionality they want needs this. We do not provide any convenience functions, but you are more than welcome to use patterns from the builtin handlers.
By not specifying the extends
field and leaving the render
implementation blank
we can disable a builtin handler. Though this has little benefit and can be accomplished
in other ways such as setting { latex_enabled = false }
for LaTeX
Still as a toy example disabling the LaTeX
handler can be done with:
custom_handlers = {
latex = { render = function() end },
This will require a treesitter query and using the range values of nodes.
-- Parse query outside of the render function to avoid doing it for each call
local query = vim.treesitter.query.parse('python', '(function_definition) @def')
local function render_pyth for id, node in query:iter_captures(root, buf) do
local capture = query.captures[id]
local start_row, _, _, _ = node:range()
if capture == 'def' then
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(buf, namespace, start_row, 0, {
end_row = start_row + 1,
end_col = 0,
hl_group = 'DiffDelete',
hl_eol = true,
custom_handlers = {
python = { render = render_python },