- Build the Docker container:
make simulator
- Get a valid
export APOCTL_API=https://api.preprod.aporeto.us
export APOCTL_NAMESPACE=/aporeto/username
eval $(apoctl auth google -e)
apoctl appcred create "simulators" --role @auth:role=namespace.administrator > apoctl.json
- Create all the necessary file dependencies and edit configuration values. Make sure the specified paths match the docker mount points in the YAML files:
export SIMULATOR_PATH=/root/simulator # This should not change
docker run -it --rm \
-v $(pwd)/apoctl.json:${SIMULATOR_PATH}/apoctl.json \
-v $(pwd)/values.yaml:${SIMULATOR_PATH}/values.yaml \
-v $(pwd)/kubeconfig.yaml:${SIMULATOR_PATH}/kubeconfig.yaml \
-v $(pwd)/backend.yml:${SIMULATOR_PATH}/backend.yml \
- For more information refer to the utility file README.md