Kaspresso is a UiTest framework based on Espresso, UIAutomator and Kakao and assisting to write right and no-pain ui tests.
Please, be aware of the fact that it's a wiki for the current master.
If you are looking forward of a wiki for old versions then follow links:
Release 1.0.1
Release 1.0.1 support
Release 1.1.0
01. Wrapper over Espresso
02. Kautomator: wrapper over UI Automator
03. Kaspresso configurator
04. How to write autotests
05. Device
06. AdbServer
07. DocLoc Screenshots
08. Kaspresso tests running on the JVM with Robolectric
09. Allure support in Kaspresso
[WIP]10. Jetpack Compose support in Kaspresso
[RU] Дмитрий Мовчан, Евгений Мацюк — Как начать писать автотесты и не сойти с ума
[RU] Егор Курников — Единственное, что вам нужно для UI-тестирования
[RU] Александр Блинов — Kotlin DSL, Fixtures и элегантные UI тесты в Android
[EN] Eugene Matsyuk — How to start writing autotests and not go crazy
[RU] Евгений Мацюк — Kaspresso: фреймворк для автотестирования, который вы ждали
[EN] Eugene Matsyuk — Kaspresso: The autotest framework that you have been looking forward to. Part I
[RU] Воркшоп по автотестам. 19-12-2019
[RU] "Kaspresso" с Евгением Мацюком и Егором Курниковым
[RU] Kaspresso: Q&A Session 9.04.20