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BMN model contains three modules: Base Module handles the input feature sequence, and out- puts feature sequence shared by the following two modules; Temporal Evaluation Module evaluates starting and ending probabilities of each location in video to generate boundary probability sequences; Proposal Evaluation Module con- tains the BM layer to transfer feature sequence to BM fea- ture map, and contains a series of 3D and 2D convolutional layers to generate BM confidence map.
We use ActivityNet dataset to train this model,data preparation please refer to ActivityNet dataset.
You can start training by such command:
python -B -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus="0,1,2,3" --log_dir=log_bmn main.py --validate -c configs/localization/bmn.yaml
You can start testing by such command:
python main.py --test -c configs/localization/bmn.yaml -w output/BMN/BMN_epoch_00009.pdparams -o DATASET.batch_size=1
For now, we only support testing with single card and
. -
Please download activity_net_1_3_new.json label file and specify the path to
in config file. -
is used to specifiy the model path,you can download our model in BMN.pdparams
Test accuracy in ActivityNet1.3:
AR@1 | AR@5 | AR@10 | AR@100 | AUC |
33.26 | 49.48 | 56.86 | 75.19 | 67.23% |
- BMN: Boundary-Matching Network for Temporal Action Proposal Generation, Tianwei Lin, Xiao Liu, Xin Li, Errui Ding, Shilei Wen.