In order to build the proto files in the proto
folder, you can run the following command:
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative proto/*.proto
This should generate files and give you the following:
├── split.pb.go
├── split.proto
├── tags.pb.go
├── tags.proto
├── todo.pb.go
└── todo.proto
Before you read this section, make sure that you generated the go code from the proto files (see previous section).
There are multiple main
functions in this folder so you cannot do a simple go run
. You will have to specify the helper you want to run:
$ go run integers.go
in memory: 4
pb: 5
$ go run tags.go
0 - 0
1 - 1
16 - 3
2048 - 6
262144 - 10
33554432 - 15
536870911 - 20
$ go run split.go
With Name: 7
With ComplexName: 9
$ go run gzip.go
original: 191
compressed: 180