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📚 Freely available programming books
Emoji for everyone. https://twemoji.twitter.com/
Zepto.js is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers, with a jQuery-compatible API
Free Bootstrap Admin & Dashboard Template
Colour schemes for a variety of editors created by Dayle Rees.
Simple wrapper for cross-browser usage of the JavaScript Fullscreen API
A one pager for emojis on Campfire and GitHub
The git-scm.com website. Note that this repository is only for the website; issues with git itself should go to https://git-scm.com/community.
A timeless Twitter Bootstrap theme built for the modern web.
The JSX specification is a XML-like syntax extension to ECMAScript.
🚲 Contribute to the open source community every Friday
Tracking the status of ServiceWorker in browsers
A documentation tool for getting your head around Django's class based views.
An extremely lightweight completion suggester plugin for jQuery that is used in production on Pixabay.com.
A tiny & dead-simple jQuery plugin for sortable tables.
A Django app to generate pdfs from templates
NOT MAINTAINED: A collection of resources on automated CSS testing
Common finance and currency javascript methods
A plugin to align geometries to streetmap data
Slides for my Rubyconf Colombia 2016 presentation "Functional Ruby and the the (big) dependency diet"