This library allows one to communicate with devices connected to the CAN bus easily.
Constructors as well as functions throw on failure. Therefore errors have to be handled or unhandled exceptions will cause a termination of your program.
Transmitting data is relatively straightforward. Connect to the CAN interface, populate the desired structure with data, and transmit.
Apps_main apps_main;
apps_main.pedal_position = 1;
apps_main.counter = 2;
apps_main.position_diff = 3;
apps_main.device_state = Apps_states::Normal_operation;
CanTx can_tx("slcan0");
To transmit a remote request you have to connect to the CAN interface and provide a name of the structure you want to receive. The library will then automatically create a remote frame request and send it. The same objects can be used to transmit data and remote frame requests.
CanTx can_tx("slcan0");
The intuition behind receiving data is different. You receive everything that occurs on the CAN bus and then handle the frame you want. A helper function has been provided to make conversions easier. Conversions throw if the provided structure doesn't match the received frame.
CanRx can_rx("slcan0", NO_TIMEOUT);
can_frame frame = can_rx.receive();
switch (frame.can_id)
case can_id<Apps_main>:
auto apps_frame = convert<Apps_main>(frame);
std::cout << apps_frame.pedal_position << std::endl;
std::cout << "id: "<< frame.can_id << " not handled" << std::endl;