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Base ROS package to develop with the MANI rover

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Base ROS package to develop with the MANI rover. Provides a high level api for the available sensors and motors.


The Rover coordinate system and indexing is displayed in the following image:


Development is done on topic branches, if you work on a new feature create your own branch and start working. After your done create a pull request against the develop branch. If all tests complete successfully, and there are additional ones for new features, it can be reviewed and merged into master.

Software Environment

All ROS nodes are written in Python. As far as possible all nodes are tested trough rostests on all node functions. The tests use Python unittests. An introduction to writing tests for ROS can be found here. By means of continuous integration the MANIros git uses Travis software to create a docker container setting up a mock image of the \ac{obc} to run all test files on each git push. The test results are then displayed on the git.


Wikipedia's Definition July 24th 2019, 15:57 CET

Robot Operating System (ROS or ros) is robotics middleware (i.e. collection of software frameworks for robot software development). Although ROS is not an operating system, it provides services designed for a heterogeneous computer cluster such as hardware abstraction, low-level device control, implementation of commonly used functionality, message-passing between processes, and package management.

To get started with ROS, you can find a useful tutorial here.

ROS Nodes

The ROS nodes for the teleoperation branch is visualised below in rqt_graph for the Gazeebo simmulation example:

ROS Parameters

The main hardware specific parameters such as rover dimensions, sensor positions, encoder pulses per revolution can be set in the /config/mani.yaml file. They are imported to the ros nodes from this location.

So far the following nodes have been implemented and/or installed:

  • LC
  • joy node - transforms joystick input to a ROS Joy message
  • teleop node - passes on selected joystick input to ROS LC messages
  • cmd_vel node - muxer for autonomous and teleoperation commands and client for rover movement actions
  • locomotion_control action - action server for sending locomotion control via CAN bus
  • locomotion_control_simulation action - action server for sending locomotion control via simulation
  • odometry publisher - transforms encoder feedback to rover odometry
  • encoder simulation - simjulates encoder feedback by transforming joints states from simulation
  • Sensors
  • IMU publisher - publishes IMU data
  • IMU transform - coordinate system transformation from IMU to rover base
  • PicoFlexx camera publisher - publishes \ac{tof} camera footage
  • ZED Cam camera publisher - publishes stereo camera footage

For an explanation and tutorials on ROS transformations please visit ROS tf2 package.

The following two images present the node and topic relations for the teleoperation control of the rover using a game pad. They show the setup that connects to the simulation and the setup communicating via the CAN bus, respectively. Square boxes represent topics that nodes are connected to, while oval shapes denote nodes.


Flashing Linux Kernel

The operating system that is running on the Tegra board is a customized version of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial), called Linux for Tegra (L4T). The latest supported L4T version on our TX2 board is 28.2.1. To flash the OS on the Jetson complete the following steps:

  • Download the OS and the File System here.
  • If possible, follow these steps on a regular Ubuntu 16.04 Host.
  • After the device was flashed successfully, please update all packages: $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt upgrade

Installing Software and Dependencies

To get all the required dependencies on your Jetson board this Ansible scripts can be used, after that place MANIros package at $$\sim$$/catkin_ws/src/maniros. If you prefer the latest development version use the develop branch, otherwise pick the desired branch.

Any further ROS packages that might be desired can be installed through:

$ sudo apt install ros-kinetic-<package-name>


Installing the ZED Cam ROS node:

  • Download Download Cuda Toolkit 10.0. (higher versions are currently not supported)

  • Install Cuda Toolkit 10.0. Terminal Installation for .deb file: $ cd ~/Downloads $ sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1604-10-0-local-10.0.130-410.48_1.0-1_amd64.deb $ sudo apt-key add /var/cuda-repo-10-0-local-10.0.130-410.48/ $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install cuda-10.0

  • After the Cuda installtion download \chref{}{SDK}.

  • Install SDK. Installation via the .run file: $ cd ~/Downloads $ chmod +x $ sudo apt-key add /var/cuda-repo-10-0-local-10.0.130-410.48/ $ ./

  • Install the ZED ROS wrapper. $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src $ git clone $ cd ../ $ catkin_make $ source ./devel/setup.bash

  • Test the installation through zed.launch file. $ roslaunch zed_wrapped zed.launch

If there is any questions concerning the installation or on getting stated with the ZED Cam consult the ZED ROS wrapper git or the Stereolabs ROS documentation.

The PicoFlexx ROS node is setup as follows:

  • Fixed Frame: royale_camera_link
  • Add new → PointCloud2
  • Select royale topic


The CAN interface is set to can0 but may be set to can1 if desired. The adequate pins on the J26 Expansion Header of the Jetson are:

can0 Pin 4 Pin 5 Pin 7
can1 Pin 14 Pin 15 Pin 17

On the BluePill (STM32F103C8T6) micro-controllers there is only one can interface can1, the pins are:

can1 - PB_8 PB_9
can1 - PA_11 PA_12

The CAN_STBY pin is not defined and can be set to any logical output pin. The (PA_11, PA_12) pins are also connected to the USB therefore they may be blocked by USB applications.

Getting Started

The pin numbering of the STM32F103C8T6 will be noted in the image above. In order to get started with CAN on the BluePill boards, the example ( gives all necessary background and sample code to set up a breadboard bus.


The CAN bus bit rate is adjusted by setting FREQUENCY. The maximum wheel velocity MAX_VEL, as well as the encoder pulses per revolution DRIVE_ENC_PPR and STEER_ENC_PPR, can be set in the mani.yaml ROS parameter configuration file on the OBC or in the defines.h file on the Drive Nodes. If the parameters are changed, they must be adjusted on all nodes connected to the bus.


The standard CAN message format was used for the CAN protocol used on the rover. The message ID consists of an 11 bit value and the data length is variable 0-8 bytes. All messages are passed to or from the OBC. No messages are transferred between the CAN motor or EPS nodes. To make the protocol simple the ID's are hexadecimal numbers with the last digit referring to the node, that the message is determined for or originating from. The second last digit refers to message type, automatically transcribing a priority order to the message types.

The message data is sent in two different formats; booleans and integers. Booleans represent state switches and feedback information, whilst integers are used for passing specific feedback or command information between the nodes and the OBC. For simplicity integer values are passed as follows:

  • orientation [pulses]
  • velocity [pulses per second]
  • revolutions [revolution counter] One boolean is sent in a byte of data. The integers are sent as short signed integers that take up 2 bytes of data, which leaves enough space for the revolutions to build up to tens of kilometers of drive distance.

Message ID's:

Messages with lower numeric ID values have higher priority on the CAN network. All message ID's are given in Hexadecimal. To ensure the priority of specified commands, each command has its own range denoted by the letter in the hex numbers. Each command further has its own identifier number to indicate which node it is specified for or originating from. The OBC is the only communication point to the other nodes and does therefore not need an identifier number.

Position/function on rover Identifier number ID's
electrical power supply 0 0xXX0
front_left wheel 1 0xXX1
rear_left wheel 2 0xXX2
rear_right wheel 3 0xXX3
front_right wheel 4 0xXX4

Message List

Message ID's Description Sender Receiver Data length Data division
powerCmd 0x000 Power switch command for all motors OBC EPS Node 1 byte motorPower [0,1] (byte 1)
errorWrn 0x010 Overcurrent warning for EPS current sensors EPS Node OBC 5 bytes errorSensor1 [0,1] (byte 1); errorSensorB [0,1] (byte 1); errorSensorFL [0,1] (byte 2); errorSensorRL [0,1] (byte 3); errorSensorRR [0,1] (byte 4); errorSensorFR [0,1] (byte 5)
currentWrn 0x020 Critical current warning for EPS current sensors (over 80 percent of max current); EPS Node OBC 5 bytes critSensor1 [0,1] (byte 1); critSensorB [0,1] (byte 1); critSensorFL [0,1] (byte 2); critSensorRL [0,1] (byte 3); critSensorRR [0,1] (byte 4); errorSensorFR [0,1] (byte 5)
powerFb 0x030 Motor power switch status feedback EPS Node OBC 1 byte motorPower [0,1] (byte 1)
currentFb 0x0E0 EPS current meassurement feedback/update EPS Node OBC 8 bytes sensorIdx [0,3] (bytes 1 to 4); current [0..2147483647] (bytes 5 to 8)
switchCmd 0x0AX Switch command for steering/driving motor power and initialisation for odometry publisher and zeroing steering encoders OBC Drive Node 4 bytes steerMode [0,1] (byte 1); driveMode [0,1] (byte 2); publisherMode [0,1] (byte 3); zeroEncoders [0,1] (byte 4)
orientationCmd 0x0BX Set orientation command OBC Drive Node 4 bytes set_orientation [-32768..32768] (bytes 1 to 2)
velocityCmd 0x0CX Set velocity command OBC Drive Node 4 bytes set_velocity [-32768..32768] (bytes 1 to 2)
locomotionFb 0x0DX Locomotion task feedback for reached orientation and velocity Drive Node OBC 1 byte task_completed_flag [0,1] (byte 1)
odometryFb 0x0EX Odometry feedback of encoder counts and revolutions for rover distance traveled as well as steering position and drive velocity in encoder pulses Drive Node OBC 8 bytes orientation [-32768..32768] (bytes 1 to 2); velocity [-32768..32768] (bytes 3 to 4); pulses [-32768..32768] (bytes 5 to 6); revolutions [-32768..32768] (bytes 7 to 8)

The orientation and velocity are handled in pulses or pulses per second, respectively. They depend on the number of pulses per revolution for the encoders used (STEER_ENC_PPR, DRIVE_ENC_PPR).


Base ROS package to develop with the MANI rover






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