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Installation On PSP

The instructions are as follows:
- Move or copy `ARK_01234` folder into `/PSP/SAVEDATA/` folder.
- Move or copy `ARK_Loader` folder into `/PSP/GAME/` folder.
- Launch `ARK Loader`. It will install ARK modules on PSP Flash and boot the CFW.
- At this point `ARK` will work as a `Live CFW`, meaning that `ARK Loader` will need to be run every time the console is turned off or rebooted.
- To convert `ARK` into a `Permanent CFW` you can use either `cIPL` or `Infinity`, along with the `Full Installer` for a complete permanent experience.

  Permanent CFW via cIPL

  - `New cIPL`: works with every retail model (1K, 2K, 3K, Go and Street) on firmware `6.61` and `6.60`.
  - `Classic cIPL`: works with `1g` and early `2g` on firmware `6.60` or `6.61` as well as `Testkits` on `6.60 Testing Tool`.
  - `DevTool cKBOOTI`: works with `DTP-T1000` (devkits) on `6.60 Development Tool`.
  - Installer will choose the correct version according to your model.
  - Move or copy `ARK_cIPL` folder to `/PSP/GAME/` and run the program.
  - Press the corresponding button in the installation page to install or remove the cIPL patch.

  Full Flash Installation

    - This allows you to install and use all of ARK's features on the console's internal flash memory, allowing you to entirely remove the `ARK_01234` savedata folder or memory stick.
    - Copy `ARK_Full_Installer` to `/PSP/GAME/` and run it from `ARK`. It will install some extra files into the console's flash.
    - If the `Custom Launcher` is not available (i.e. you delete the ARK savedata or remove the memory card), `PRO Shell` will take its place.
    - When no savedata folder is available the default ARK path used to store settings and other Custom Firmware files will be `ms0:/SEPLUGINS/`.
    - Even if files are stored in the console's flash memory, the ones in the savedata folder will still take priority in loading.

  Time Machine and Despertar del Cementerio

    - `Time Machine` allows the ability to boot the `6.61` firmware and `ARK` entirely from the Memory Stick.
    - `Despertar del Cementerio` allows the ability to revive a bricked PSP when used in combination with a `Pandora` or `Baryon Sweeper`.
    - To install `DC-ARK` you must first format the memory stick leaving enough space for the boot sector. You can use `PSP Tool` to do this.
    - You can install `DC-ARK` either using a `PSP` or a `PC` (Windows, Mac and Linux).
    - On `PSP` you need to be running a `CFW` to install `DC-ARK` (ARK itself or any other).
    - Copy the `ARK_DC` folder to the `/PSP/GAME/` folder and run the installer from the `XMB`.
    - Follow the instructions to install DC-ARK and create a magic memory stick.
    - On `PC`, you need `Python 3` and run `MagicMemoryCreator` with `admin`/`root` priviledges.
    - On compatible models, you can use `Advanced VSH Menu` to create a `Pandora Battery`.
    - Use a `Pandora` or `Baryon Sweeper` in combination with your newly created `Magic Memory Stick` to boot up `Despertar del Cementerio`.
    - From here you can either boot ARK from memory stick, install 6.61 Firmware with ARK on the Nand or install 6.61 Official Firmware

Installation On PS Vita

  Standalone (Official PSPEmu)

    - Works on Firmware 3.60 up to 3.74, requires Henkaku/h-encore or any native hack.
    - Download and install <a href="">NoPspEmuDrm</a> (you can use `AutoPlugin`).
    - Copy `FasterARK.vpk` from `PSVita/` folder anywhere on your vita and install using `VitaShell`. 
    - Open `FasterARK` and wait for the install process to finish.
    - Both `ARK` and `ARK-X` bubbles will appear in `Live Area`.
    - Use the `ARK` bubble for `PSP` games and homebrew. It can play `PS1` but with limitations related to sound playback.
    - Use the `ARK-X` bubble for `PS1` games without any sound limitations.
    - Once `ARK` bubbles are installed, you can delete `FasterARK`.
    - To `exit` from a game or homebrew back to the `custom launcher`, press `L+R+Down+Start` (on `ARK-X` use `L2+R2+Down+Start` or `L1+R1+Start+Down` for `VitaTV`).
    - NOTE: Some features are not available in standalone installations, mainly the official Sony `XMB`, and the `Force Extra RAM` setting is known to be unstable.
    - NOTE: If you want to have an `ARK` bubble that works on `Official Firmware` you must use `ChovySign` with a valid license.

  Adrenaline (Patched PSPEmu)

    - Works on Firmware 3.60 up to 3.74, requires Henkaku/h-encore and `Adrenaline` (
    - (Skip this step if `Standalone` is already installed) Install `ARK_01234` folder into `/PSP/SAVEDATA/` folder.
    - Install `ARK_Loader` folder into `/PSP/GAME/` folder.
    - Use `Adrenaline Bubbles Manager` to create an autoboot bubble for `ARK Loader`:
    - Note: this does not permanently modify `Adrenaline` in any way.

Updating ARK

  There are three ways to update ARK:

    - Option 1: Use the `System Update` feature in the XMB. Requires your PSP/Vita to be connected to the internet.
    - Option 2: Copy the `UPDATE` folder to `/PSP/GAME/` and run it.
    - Option 3: Copy `ARK_01234` folder and (on PSP) run `ARK Loader` again to install new flash0 files.